Jimmy's Shiny Guide Please do not post here untill guide is finished !!!
It's been great being here, and I'm back, although not like when I first joined, I'll still try to visit a lot more often than I have been.
Guide to using the Shiny pokemon- Version 1.0 - by Jimmy
Before I get started, I'd like to introduce myself. My forum name is Max Phenix, originally and still known on the forums as Jimmy, I am also going to join Serebii in a account for my real name aswell, for when pokemon starts online, I want to be known for who I am, and not by Jimmy. I've never really owned a pokemon game, Im just lucky enough to have really cool friends that will loan me theirs for awhile, Ive been playing on my bestfriends Ruby for around 8 months now, and my original pokemon game starter was Pokemon Yellow
ikachu Edition. on the Gameboy Color. And I had played shortly from the time it came out and played Pikachu to death, I wouldn't give in to using ubber pokemon characters in Pokemon Yellow even though I thought pikachu was pretty tough in ranking, My friends didnt think so. Anyway not to long afterwards, Pokemon Gold and Silver came. Shinys were all the rage and still are.I First started gold with my anew love for the game it was very cool, I Still remember my first shiny, it was a typhlosion`s lower form cyndaquil. It was nightfall when the red haired kid wanted to battle, once I tossed the pokeball in the air, my pokemon landed with cool twirl of stars at first I thought it was something new they added to every pokemon, ( Well they did but not like i had orginally thought ) The next day I showed my bestfriend and told him about it, he told me about the red gyarados at the lake of rage, and then told me I had a shiny pokemon with me the entire time. We contest to see who collect the most shinys. Since then I have taken serious steps in improving my Shiny Seeking methods to rise it to a level above all others that I have met. Although I have recently devloped a strong bond with my Typhlosion now and with a few others in the late Edition, Pikachu will always be the "First Starter", In my Shiny seeking,I have put approximately 100+ hours into into Shiny Seeking. I hope that my experience will help those that read this get a better grasp for Shiny and how they work, or aid your skills if you are already a Expert Shiny user. KEEP IN MIND Im just sharing info about the way I Seek and play Shinys (which has been accumulated from many Shiny users ) and allowing more Shiny users to become decently skilled. The stuff in this guide is not made up or fabricated in any way, everything in this guide is based on personal experience and I hope everyone gets something out of this. There's one more thing I want to make clear before I get onto the rest of this guide. This is a guide, this does not tell you how to Cheat Shinys or anything else, it's just "guiding" you to becoming a more skilled Shiny Seeker, it will not make you good alone, being good requires skill, and skill involves practicing. Some of the things I describe in here you may be unable to perform at first,(because of time related problems) don't be discouraged. This Guide is not meant to make people skilled, Its meant to guide people to understand the Topic of what it's about. I don't know everything there is to know, but I do want the people who read this to get an understanding for Shinys, I want you to be able to understand them so well that you can just theorize ways and then bring them into reality
Side Note: This is based upon my experience and playing style, there are others out there, and I'm not advocating I'm some Shiny master that knows everything there is to know. On how to Capture Shinys "right" while everyone else Are doing it "wrong". This is just my way of sharing my discoveries of how I do things, and if you don't feel you like my playing style, use your own, I'm not forcing anyone to play like me, and I hope everyone has at least a little individuality so they don't totally take up my style. Also, my style is not fool-proof, there are many tactics that work against it. Well, with that out of the way, onto the guide. I really hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I. Shiny Rumors.
II. Why Call it Shiny Seeking, And not Hunting?
III. Shiny, Dos And Donts.
IV. Shiny Legendarys.
V. Safari Zone.
VI. Pokemon That Helps.
VII. Sharking Shinys.
VIII: Shinys More Rare ?
It's been great being here, and I'm back, although not like when I first joined, I'll still try to visit a lot more often than I have been.
Guide to using the Shiny pokemon- Version 1.0 - by Jimmy
Before I get started, I'd like to introduce myself. My forum name is Max Phenix, originally and still known on the forums as Jimmy, I am also going to join Serebii in a account for my real name aswell, for when pokemon starts online, I want to be known for who I am, and not by Jimmy. I've never really owned a pokemon game, Im just lucky enough to have really cool friends that will loan me theirs for awhile, Ive been playing on my bestfriends Ruby for around 8 months now, and my original pokemon game starter was Pokemon Yellow
Side Note: This is based upon my experience and playing style, there are others out there, and I'm not advocating I'm some Shiny master that knows everything there is to know. On how to Capture Shinys "right" while everyone else Are doing it "wrong". This is just my way of sharing my discoveries of how I do things, and if you don't feel you like my playing style, use your own, I'm not forcing anyone to play like me, and I hope everyone has at least a little individuality so they don't totally take up my style. Also, my style is not fool-proof, there are many tactics that work against it. Well, with that out of the way, onto the guide. I really hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I. Shiny Rumors.
II. Why Call it Shiny Seeking, And not Hunting?
III. Shiny, Dos And Donts.
IV. Shiny Legendarys.
V. Safari Zone.
VI. Pokemon That Helps.
VII. Sharking Shinys.
VIII: Shinys More Rare ?