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Jirachi & Deoxys


Live long, & prosper
Does anybody know how to get Jirachi or deoxys with out the Nintendo events,gameshark(or anything like it),or the bonus disk for colosseum?;386; ;385;


Well-Known Member
Umm you could trade w/ me =D
You can get Jirachi through Pokemon channel, by watching all the Picho Bros. episodes on the projecter. Then jirachi will be avalible to trade over to any game.
Deoxys is only with the aurorau ticket, I'm afraid.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Heh, I haven't posted in this section for a while, but as far as I know, either:

1) Go to an official Nintendo-powered event​
2) Trade with some person who has a spare Jirachi or Deoxys​
3) Cheat​


Well-Known Member
Sorry, no other way except for Aurora Ticket, Bonus Disc or Pokemon Channel


Well-Known Member
just wait for wi-fi,i'm sure there nice people who'll trade you one.


Jirachi Master
Yeah wait for WiFi. I wll be willin to trade with you. I have a spare mew, jirachi, deoxys, and celebi. Oh, HO-OH and Lugia.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
the only way without a gameshark/ar, without an event is to trade or use a combo of supercart/VBA and trade to a real game. much safer as you dont run any risk whatsoever of ruining a real cart. Unfortunatly not many people do it because of the cost.