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Jirachi EX

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Eevee Lover
I got one of those new pokemon tins, the gaint whale one -don't know the name- and in a ex Crystal Guardians pack i got a Jirachi EX ;385;, WOOT
Lucky, I want that, but I pulled out Kyogre EX and Aggron EX

char char

Professional Shut-In
The giant whale thing is kyogre. i got a charizard delta species and delcattyex with aggron ex too youre very lucky to get jirachi ive been after that card for a while now ;004;;006;


Dazzled By The Roses
does the booster pack in the tin series always hav ex in it. coz once i buy a tin pack (the one that hav picture of fossil pokemon, team aqua and magma, dragon pokemon, and 3 birds on the tin) and i got a registeel as the ex in it and when i open the booster i got 2 regirock. does this happen to evary1??
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