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Jirachi & Generally Legendaries


Well-Known Member
Okay, in the fic I'm currently writing, I refer many times to Jirachi on the third person.But since it is genderless,maybe I should should give it a gender,in order to make it sound better.''It'' is used a lot and ''its'' is even more.But I'm not sure,what do YOU think?


You will be missed:(
Most people give the legendaries the gender that they seem to look like. For example, I see a lot of people refer to Mew and Suicune as a female, while Entei, Raikou, and Mewtwo are male.

And if Lati@s can have a gender, why not other legendaries?


Well-Known Member
Okay then, I'm off to edit my fic.
And by the way strangely enough all legendaries except Latias look like male to me :D


Just me
It's your choice, really. In my fics the legendaries don't have reproductive organs and thus are really genderless, but prefer to be referred to by gender pronouns anyway for the sake of respect. It always sounds a little odd to write characters and call them "it", but if you can pull it off, go ahead. If you feel more like giving them genders, go ahead.


Well-Known Member
To me, everything without gender is she.