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Jirachi on the moon

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ok this has been bugin the crap out of me latley. is it true about the 59th rocket launching in mossdeep takes u to the moon to battle jirachi true? please tell me i want to know becuse ive seen vids of it but i know people can create maps.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
do I see a pattern here?

1: join forum

2: post jirachi crappy glitch

3: get flamed off forum for posting the most used noob post ever.

when will it ever end.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
its just as bad as that stupid 'celebi in the forest' and 'mew behind the truck from years a go'

oh wow, I was just playing D/P and saw a darkrai in my underpants.


I am the game
I couldnt find that video...


Torterra Firma
You want to believe...

But it's not true.



Well-Known Member
I saw the video along time ago. It looked so fake and I have over 60 lounches and still no jirachi. I know its fake and it can never be optained without the bonus disk or cheating devices.


The new tuxedo look!
Fake as can be.
Seriously, I thought everyone knew it was fake.


Toon link
no not true i once fought it was true but then i thought to my self nah its not just probely one of those lies
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