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[ JK's and BB's Banner Shop ]

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John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Shop of JK's and BB's Banners

JK is me, John's Knight, and BB is Bloody Banette, the shop co-owner.

As you may have noticed, in this shop, we both do banners. However, each one "specializes" in different kinds of banners.
However, before I tell you which banners we do, let's take a look at the Rules, shall we?


Shop Rules

1: Follow general forum rules, and Fan-Art specific rules;

2: You can only request one banner at the time, even if they're different kinds of banners. I repeat, only one;

3: Give credit to the [correct] banner maker;

4: Specify which kind of banner you want, so we don't get confused;

5: Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient;

6: Read carefully how to request banners, and fill out the necessary forms;

7: This is one of the things we both hate the most. It's people replying, saying "I love it, thanks!", and then not putting them into sig. If you don't like it, then say so;

8: If you're not using the banner in this forum, a link is needed to wherever you're using the banner;

9: If you wish to use any pre-made banner, you must still reply to this thread saying you're using that banner.​


JK's Banners

Simple Banner
::Some examples::




[Request Form]
Banner Type: Simply say it's a Simple Banner
Pictures: if it is a pokemon pic, say if it's sugimori art, TCG, and if none of these, provide a link.
Background: try to specify/describe as much as possible the kind of background you want. If you want a specific one, provide a link.
Text: what text do you want [if you want]
Font and Color: font and color of the desired text [if any]
Frame/Boarder/Stroke: if you want a stroke, say the desired color.
Extra/Notes: think of this like a PS. Anything that you think doesn't fit the other categories, say here.


Plasma Banners
::Some examples::





[Request Form]
Banner Type: Simply say it's a Plasma Banner
Pictures: if it is a pokemon pic, say if it's sugimori art, TCG, and if none of these, provide a link.
Background Color: state the desired color of the banner background. [Note: I do not suggest picking two colors]
Text: what text do you want [if you want]
Font and Color: font and color of the desired text [if any]
Frame/Boarder/Stroke: if you want a stroke, say the desired color.
Extra/Notes: think of this like a PS. Anything that you think doesn't fit the other categories, say here.


Spectral Banners
::Some examples::






[Request Form]
Banner Type: Simply say it's a Spectral Banner
Pictures: if it is a pokemon pic, say if it's sugimori art, TCG, and if none of these, provide a link.
Background Color: state the desired color of the banner background
Text: what text do you want [if you want]
Font and Color: font and color of the desired text [if any]
Frame/Boarder/Stroke: if you want a stroke, say the desired color.
Extra/Notes: think of this like a PS. Anything that you think doesn't fit the other categories, say here.


User Bars
::Some examples::


[Request Form]
Banner Type: Simply say it's an User Bar
Pictures: say what pictures you want [note: for pokemon sprites, there's a maximum of 6 sprites]
Background Color: state the desired color of the banner background
Text: what text do you want
Frame/Boarder/Stroke: say the desired color for the outline
Animation: say if you want or not animation. If you want animation, specify as much as possible what kind of animation do you want (fading, moving, etc)
Extra/Notes: think of this like a PS. Anything that you think doesn't fit the other categories, say here.


BB's Banners

TCG Banners
::Some examples::



[Request Form]
Order (if you want them in any specific order):
Frame Color:
Non pokemon images (optional):


Sugimori Banners
::Some examples::

[Request Form]
Order (if you want them in any specific order):
Frame Color:


:::The shop is currently:::

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Well-Known Member
Pictures: this but could you pls crop out the background?

Background: something fiery and red and black
Text: Burning Fury
Font: I dunno, make it something spooky >>;
Frame/Boarder/Stroke: dunno what this is
Extra/Notes: make it with style D: and cookies

Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
Anime Banner Please^^

Pokemon: Sneasel, Umbreon, Gardevoir, Arcanine, Espeon, and Zangoose
Order: Arcanine, Espeon, Umbreon, Sneasel, Gardevoir, and Zangoose
Frame Color: Dark Blue

Thank you^^


~sparkle and shine~
Could I request a Sugumori banner?

Pokemon: Espeon, Absol, Vulpix, Smoochum, Pichu, Delcatty, Umbreon
Order: doesn't matter
Frame Color: whatever looks ok, probably black I would guess
Text: none

Bloody Banette

Well-Known Member
Here's you banner, SilverStar:

EDIT: John, you should BOLD and put in font 4 the 8th rule
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Limbo Messiah
I'm, liek, totally gonna request a TCG banner from BB (though I don't see why I gotta post here Oo)

Pokemon: Ivysaur, Geodude, Growlithe, Corphish, Nidorino, Pidgeotto, Spheal
Order: like I've written above
Frame Color: Black
Text: none
Note: if it's possible, make the images a little bit wider than in my current banner

thank you.

Silver Wind

..blissfully unaware
OMG Psot! :O

TGC Bannur:
Pokemon: Below .-.
Order: Ledian, Persian, Vileplume, Raticate, Seedot, Lotad, Nido F.
Frame Color: Black?
-Removed Other Request.. Thingies-


Well-Known Member
hi can i please have
pokemon: the coolest absol you have or a sugomuri one :) and could you please make it glow like the misdrevous in the banner?
background: plasma:grey (the same as the one you did on the misdreavous banner.
frame: the darkest black you have
text: Absol...soul of the moon...
font: the same font as in the misdrevous banner just a bit bigger please (glow)
thanx ALOT :)
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Limbo Messiah
Thanks dude, I do ;p I was expecting it to be like SW's banner, with all pokes in 1 one row and all being equally big, but I like this idea too =)


I love Dara <3
A TCG Banner from BB please ^_^

Pokemon: Marshtomp, Raichu, Ninetails, Shuppet, Delcatty, Jumpluff
Order (if you want them in any specific order): It dosnt matter ^_^
Frame Color: Um.. I guess make it black ^_^;
Non pokemon images (optional):
Text: None
Font: None

Arigatou ^_^
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John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Shadow Ichigo, your banner will come asap, maybe even today.

Lucario36, here's your banner, hope you like it.

I used a TCG pic, since the Sugimori one is too small. However, the TCG seems a bit wierd oO If you want a new one, with sugimori or other absol of your choice, you may request one, ignoring the time limit.


Lost Fan #4815162342
Pictures: Banette (Sugimori)
Background: Plasma Purple
Text: Demon of the night...
Font: Something good! Like in Gary's one xfd
Frame/Boarder/Stroke: What's that? Like the lightblue border on your Poli banner? If yeah, then a Black one, please. =D
Extra/Notes: HAI JOHN xD

Tank you. :p I expect it quickly. *shot*

John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Shadow Ichico, here's your banner.

Sorry about the Umbreon and Zangoose pics, those were the most recent ones I could find...from Hoenn saga <<.

Joe, here's your banner.

MasterTrainer, your request has been denied. You didn't fill out the form. Until you post a new request, with the form, it won't be done.
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