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Johto being left out?

I was looking at a poster of the 10th anniversary of Pokémon, which is basically justa huge jumble of pokemon as the background and the logo in the foregound.

And I noticed how all of these pokemon were either Kanto/Hoenn pokemon. Not a single 2nd generation to be found, not even togepi or pichu~

Now, in my opinion this isnt the first time.
In the 3rd generation it's near impossible to get half of the johto pokemon unless you go and buy the diabolical colluseum/XD or shell out even more cash for emerald.

Even so, I'm beginning to get annoyed at how in all places, johto pokemon are being forgotten~

On tours, in adverts, everywhere, if you I see a johto pokemon I might as well have won the lottery.

Why is this, nintendo? I'm not going to forget the 2nd generation even though you're so adamantly trying to erase it~

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
The Kanto and Hoenn Pokemon are the ones people remember the most.

Kanto - the original
Hoenn - the most current

Heck, even I've forgotten a lot of the Johto Pokemon.


Leave my posts alone
Well, after the leap from GB/GBC to GBA, Pokemon simply was a matter of access. Since some Johto Pokemon became available in Colo, this allowed access to Hoenn. Fr/Lg were made to get the other Kanto Pokemon that weren't available to the Advance Generation, as well as a few Johto.

If Johto were to get an upgrade, it be really pointless, as they are already available, just in need of rescuing (refering to Colo/XD).

But yes, seeing Johto Pokemon in a new realm of D/P is going to be rare, as it was the generation to boost likeliness of Pokemon fans.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I noticed that too when I went to the 10th anniversary event, they had a huge cardboard thing like that and I was slightly annoyed that no 2nd gen Pokémon were on there.

I really liked the 2nd gen games, they introduced a lot of features which are now fairly integral to the whole of th gameplay, such as time based events and happiness. The game itself was a huge step forward from RBY and it kept me playing for years (until my friend stole my Silver version :( )

I think the Johto Pokémon are becoming slightly forgotten because if you think about it, GSC is kinda the oldest generation, with FRLG replacing RBY. It's a shame.

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
I really, REALLy liked the Johto generations. I wish they would redo them. I can see it now...SunGold, MoonSilver, and maybe StarCrystal. oh man, that would be awesome. But the likeliness is extremely low. Sucks, I want to see an updated New Bark Town!


Well-Known Member
Most Johto pokemon sucked anyways...Not to offend anyone that liked how they looked, that isn't what I'm refering to.

I love the way a lot of them looked, but overall how many people still actually use them? besides the obvious ones like Shuckle, Skarmory, Tyranitar, Heracross, and Scizor in competitive battling?

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
I do. Johto was my favorite Region, maybe because it has only had one game. (Well, Hoenn too, but it's more modern) Every chance I get, I raise a Johto Pokemon. My MD characxter is Totodile,. partner Cyndaquil. In FR, I currently have a Larvitar, and two othrs I currently can't remember with me. I have a baby, newly hatched Pichu in Ruby, and a Quagsire, Teddiursa, and Aipom in Emerald. Currently in Emerald I am only a few Pokemon away from completing the Hoenn Dex. Then I'll be able to get a Chicorita.


Well-Known Member
I do. Johto was my favorite Region, maybe because it has only had one game. (Well, Hoenn too, but it's more modern) Every chance I get, I raise a Johto Pokemon. My MD characxter is Totodile,. partner Cyndaquil. In FR, I currently have a Larvitar, and two othrs I currently can't remember with me. I have a baby, newly hatched Pichu in Ruby, and a Quagsire, Teddiursa, and Aipom in Emerald. Currently in Emerald I am only a few Pokemon away from completing the Hoenn Dex. Then I'll be able to get a Chicorita.

was talking about competitive battling. For fun I have my Typhlosion and had an aipom but might as well use it's evolution now. It's not a matter of really liking them but how good overall they actually are, they're not as good as the newer generation or the first.

EDIT: Just adding with the Aipom thing..they evolved most of the pokemon I liked from Johto but would have never used. Yanma, Gligar, Aipom, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Piloswine, Sneasel, etc. There's probably more but that's off the top of my head.

It's like they corrected the mistakes with pokemon that SHOULD have been good, but weren't by giving them evolutions and making them more useful.

So no one can really say it's being forgotton.
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So Zetta Slow!
many of my favorite pokemons came from jhoto and ,of course, that's not a good sign...but I think jhoto pokemons are really special so they are only presenting jhoto pokemons to those who are deserving...don't kill me if you don't agree...hehehe

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
I agree with Junkuzo, yeah they were forgotten for a while, but now that they evolved most of the Pokemon from Johto that didn't before Shinou, they not going to be forgotten for long. If Nintendo/Game Freak were trying to erase it, they wouldn't have evolved any of the Pokemon at all.


Grass Pokemon Guru
I was looking at a poster of the 10th anniversary of Pokémon, which is basically justa huge jumble of pokemon as the background and the logo in the foregound.

And I noticed how all of these pokemon were either Kanto/Hoenn pokemon. Not a single 2nd generation to be found, not even togepi or pichu~

Now, in my opinion this isnt the first time.
In the 3rd generation it's near impossible to get half of the johto pokemon unless you go and buy the diabolical colluseum/XD or shell out even more cash for emerald.

Even so, I'm beginning to get annoyed at how in all places, johto pokemon are being forgotten~

On tours, in adverts, everywhere, if you I see a johto pokemon I might as well have won the lottery.

Why is this, nintendo? I'm not going to forget the 2nd generation even though you're so adamantly trying to erase it~

I have to def. agree because i always liked the second gen and yet they arent using it very much

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I dislike it, too.

I started playing pokemon at the 3rd gen. time, so i haven't seen much of johto.


i aslo realized how johto was left out, there are only three games where you can catch all the johto pokemon, or even enter johto

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
Nah, 4th generation is bring some back. Sneasel, Sudowoodo, Mantine, Gligar, and more are coming back in the fourth. I think there working on reviving it.


Johto is left out because most of those pokemon that were intoduced in the games are now Under Used and lame. :/


Well-Known Member
I liked some of Johto's Pokemon. But, I don't think they are left out, because in D/P has lots of Johto Pokemon evolve.