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jolteon, vaporeon and flareon


Completing The Trio
i am currently ev training the 3 pokemon in the thread title, i have decided to ev train jolteon in speed but need your advice on what to ev train the others in, i was thinking of

jolteon: speed and hp
flareon: attack and hp
vaporeon: hp and defense

i am not sure if this is the right section sorry if its not


Well-Known Member
Jolteon-Speed,Special attack


Completing The Trio
would their natures in any way help ev training because i read somewhere that there are benficial natures that help ev training and boost stats


Completing The Trio
jolteon is naive
vaporeon is lax

no info on the flareon as i'm waiting for my eevee to hatch first
This are the best natures and EV spread for the pokémon:
Jolteon: Modest Nature. 252 in Sp.A/Spd remaining in HP
Flareon: Lonely Nature. 252 in Sp.A/Atk remaining in HP or Spd
Vaporeon: Bold/Calm Nature. 252 in Hp/Def remaining in Sp.Def.
I hope it helped you out.
~PsyDragon Trainer ;381;


Completing The Trio
that definitely helped thanks alot for the info, i'd better get hatching then


Well-Known Member
Speed is important for all of them IMO. I think that you should EV train them for spa or spdef (depending on their natures). And as I mentioned before speed.


Eevee Trainer
HP and sp. attack for Vaporeon (best hp)
Speed and Sp. Attack for Jolteon (best speed)
Attack and Sp. Def. for Flareon (best attack)


I am the game
for some reason i thing spatk is better on flareon.


Pyro Trainer
Flareon should have a Lonely nature and be raised in Atk and Sp. Atk. It's Sp. Def. Isn't his best stat, so you wouldn't want to waste time on a stat that isn't beneficial to most battles. Flareon is more for get in there quick and burn/Bite the bum.


Completing The Trio
thanks alot for all of your input i have already decided what i'm going to do so a mod can close this topic now