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Beginning Trainer

Jolteon@ Liechi berry
Naughty nature
Thunder wave/Hp Grass/Ice

This is my Jolteon. What do you think?


Pretty nice, and works decently as an Endure/Flailer. Another effective set is:

Jolteon @ Leftovers
Modest Nature (+Satk, -Atk)
Trait: Volt Absorb
- Thunderbolt
- Agility
- Substitute/Thunder Wave
- Baton Pass
Your Jolteon looks okay...
you could try-

The ultimate flinchax set:
Timid nature

Annoying fo' sho.



Annoyers shouldn’t be used.

Flail Jolteon is interesting, though Iso’s set works the best. Also, Baton Pass on the Flail set so you can BP your Attack boost to a physical attacker.



There’s no point in using annoyer sets at all when there are better sets out there.

In-game, just kill the opponent. Don’t just sit around using status moves and Attract, it’s a waste of time. Also, in-game trainers have no feelings, so they can’t be “annoyed”.
Competitively, it just won’t work. Any smart opponent will easily counter annoyer sets.