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Jordan's Excellent Adventure

Rate my comic on a scale of 1-10.

  • 1- My eyes are bleeding!

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • 2-This is God awful.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-This sucks.

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • 4-Don't bother continuing.

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • 5-You've got ALOT of work to do on this comic.

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • 6-You've got some of work to do on this comic.

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • 7-Meh

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • 8-It's missing something.

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • 9-It's pretty good, funny etc.

    Votes: 38 32.5%
  • 10-I love it!

    Votes: 46 39.3%

  • Total voters


Jordan's Excellent Adventure (and other short comics)

Announcement: Season 1 has ended of JEA, Season 2 should be up sometime after the summer. In the meantime, I'm making a short comic series titled, "Camp (Counselor)(In Training)"


Welcome! First of all, I'd like to thank you. Instead of reading work from an experienced spriter, you chose to read my crap.

This is my first comic, and I greatly appreciate any constructive criticism you have to offer.
Guest Comics are happily welcomed ^_^ (PM me to submit a guest comic)

Here's Season 1 of JEA

Chapter 1: Basically the Trailer in Story Form.
Chapter 2: Zzz...
Chapter 3: Worse than you could imagine.
Chapter 4: PUSARG
Chapter 5: Oh, by the way...
Chapter 6: I BOP YOU GOOD!
Chapter 7: HERE's JOHNNY!
Chapter 8: Petalburg Woods, Part 1.
Chapter 9: Petalburg Woods, Part 2
Chapter 10: That's Hot.
Chapter 11: Don't Be Hatin'
Chapter 12: Happy Thanksgiving!-or as they say in Wal-Mart, Merry Christmas!
Chapter 13: Puppies Have Fur.
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Area of High-Pressure
Chapter 15: This chapter just screams, "I'M IN A RUSH!"
Chapter 16: Blood, No Not Tomato Sauce
Chapter 17: iPlan
Chapter 18: PWNED!
Chapter 19: No Ninjas allowed
Chapter 20: Oh Yeah! We Went There!
Chapter 21: Smexyness is in the eye of the beholder
Chapter 22: Praise Nintendo!
Chapter 23: Every Religion is Wrong
Chapter 24: Today's Forecast: Clouded Vision With A Chance Of Stupidity
Chapter 25: It's a Vary Shawt Chaptuh 'dis time.
Chapter 26:...Wow
Chapter 27: Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

April Comic Contest Entry

Comics from the cast:
Writer's Block
Tour of PUSARG Base
Jwire Noel!
MS Paint
Relationships: We all got 'em. We all want 'em. What do we do with 'em?
He's an illusionist!


Guest Comics (PM me to submit a comic):
Guest Comic #1 by TPMX.
Guest Comic #2 by TPMX

Sprite Sheet

Most sprites from Serebii.net and The Spriters Resource and PokemonElite2000. Pokemon were ripped by Pikachu Masta, Megatravis and snare. What didn't come from them was made from scratch by me.
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Comic Lover
First Post... yes

great job red


Beans backing up...
And I'm ignored. lol

You're doing fine my man. Just don't do what I did and never post. Hoo boy.


used Metronome!
This is brilliant and funny! It's by far the best comic I've seen here since Jassy and Jiggly. It's original and I'm liking it... Be careful about wasting space in your speechbubbles and cramping the text. I can't wait to see what happens next... You have a style that "clicks" with me.


you did not make this comic. I saw this before in some one ele's sig

WTF? Whose sig did you see it in? I can guarantee you, I made this comic...except for TPMX's obviously.
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<-- The Best Pokemon
I like this comic, it is very funny! There is just something though that is bashing me on the head saying "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS COMIC!!", but I don't know what. Oh well, I will just lock that away with my consincious. Point is, great comic.

Elekible's Shock

Well-Known Member

Pretty good. The trailor and jokes are funny. Just one thing question's me. Why at the ending of the trailor did Jordan say 'south park wouldnt be happy about this?' Either than that, 5 out a 5!!!!


Pretty good. The trailor and jokes are funny. Just one thing question's me. Why at the ending of the trailor did Jordan say 'south park wouldnt be happy about this?' Either than that, 5 out a 5!!!!

The title is a rip-off of "Terrence and Phillp's Excellent Adventure," the TV show on South Park.


Beans backing up...
The title is a rip-off of "Terrence and Phillp's Excellent Adventure," the TV show on South Park.

Dude, you are a horrible fan, man. It's "The Terrance and Phillip Show."




Srry for double posting, but I made a new chapter.

I was gonna make 2, then post them, but it seems this thread is falling fast, so, here's Chapter 5, it's pretty short.

Chapter 5: Oh, by the way...
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Chapter 6 is up.

Chapter 6: I BOP YOU GOOD!

The shopkeeper is based on a character I once saw in an "Opus" comic strip in the paper.


Comic Lover
I love Episode 5 and 6 there both crazy funny lol

Funniness: 9/10
Originality: 10/10
Coolness: 9/10


New Chapter Up!

(I had to switch to yet another image hoster this chapter's so long ._.)

edit: Error in Chapter, need to fix.

edit again:
Chapter 7: HERE'S JOHNNY!
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Pokemon Battler

Thats...thats...amazing!! So funny, so well detailed, so...non cliche!! I applaud your comic making!! 10 out of 10! & Polymer, I got that vibe too, I guess cuz so many comics almost seem like theres always somthing bad about it...