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Journey To The Starting Line! (014)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Journey to the Starting Line!

Its the day when Gilbert gets his first Pokémon in Oak's Lab. However as he's deciding whether to pick them or not, some ruckus occurs in the lab and the three starters run off. Its up to Oak, Gilbert, Tracey and Mrs. Ketchum to find them. Can they?

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~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
I wonder does could Ash know this person...and wasn't that other Bulbasaur Ash's. I did really like this one...but since Delia, Tracey were seen...it was ok.

I don't understand why they don't air these here...

Factory Head Noland

I really want to see this episode, it looks really good. Ash Bulbsaur makes an appearance aswell which is great!
It was a good idea of Hijime to choose a Bulbasaur as his starter.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
True...Bulbasaur...is a good choice from the 3 starter...if he was to go throught the path of battling those 8 kanto gym leader...but i'd say...that also Charmander is good, as i has 2 types later...but...it has a huge disadvantage against...ROCK...


Kuthu said:
I wonder does could Ash know this person...

Ehh. Masara's a small town. I'm sure they all know eachother and are fairly close.
Hajime was cute! n.n- *wander*


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Orange*Berry said:
Ehh. Masara's a small town. I'm sure they all know eachother and are fairly close.
Hajime was cute! n.n- *wander*

yea...u probaly right...who knows...only if they would air this in dubbed english..we'd know a lot more...


Izit cuz I is black?
Depending on Ash's age, he could have known Hajime quite well, he is only 10 while Ash should be 14/15 by now


Old Coot
You don't need to have it dubbed to learn about the special. There's a link to the summary at the top for a reason. o_O And I liked seeing how pretty much all of Satoshi's Pokémon that he left behind at Oak's from Kanto and Johto made an appearance. Totodile dancing even while being knocked in the air is priceless. x_x


Master Pokémon Breeder
Why does Hajime's bio on SPP call him "she"?


Custom User Title
I thought this episode was very good. I really liked seeing all of Ash's old pokémon hanging around at Oak's lab. Bulbasaur was really cool in this episode. I've always been a fan of Ash's Bulbasaur and getting to see it throughout the whole episode was definately a bonus. We also get to see Delia's Mr. Mime use a his psychic attack for the first time. The only thing he's ever done is use barrier, so seeing him do something else was cool. It was also cool to see a new trainer starting out in his journey, we very seldom get to see that.
Yea lets see him try to fight off against Gym leaders like Giovanni, lt. Surge and Sabrina. And see if he can find Blaine's Gym lol.

Crystal Latios

This little boy is adorable. One thing I don`t like, why did he take a Bulbasaur. Its getting boring. Every young trainer takes a Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur with Haimie, Bulbasaur with May. I belive, writers are in love with it, but Charmander or Squirtle are cool too.


Well-Known Member
Well Bulbasaur was instrumental in this episode, and after Hajime had been through all of that, especially the part where Ash's Bulbasaur saved them from those Primeape, Hajime would've gained a new respect for all Pokemon, not just evolved ones. (Originally, he only wanted a Torchic, and only because it evolves into Blaziken.)


Well-Known Member
Yeah he went there expecting the Hoenn starters, but Oak had to explain that they only give the Kanto starters in Pallet. Initially, Hajime didn't like any of them and thought Pokemon were only any good when fully evolved. Of course, as we know, Ash's Bulbasaur put an end to THAT little notion. ;)


Contaminated KFC
"Hurry Tracey! If Charmander's tail flame goes out, it won't be able to battle anymore!"

I had to laugh at that one.


...I'm not sure whether you find that funny because of the dodgyness, or the fact that it's another one of those death cover ups. :/ Or the fact that Oak is basically saying that not being able to battle is the worst thing EVER.


Contaminated KFC
Alfonso said:
...I'm not sure whether you find that funny because of the dodgyness, or the fact that it's another one of those death cover ups. :/ Or the fact that Oak is basically saying that not being able to battle is the worst thing EVER.
Trust me Alfonso, if there's ever any sort of dodgyness in this show, I can guarantee you that I'll probably be one of the last to pick it up. 'Cause I'm slow like that :p
So yes, it being a blatant death cover up was why I laughed. And the fact that Delia said it like it was of the utmost urgency.


Gravy said:
Trust me Alfonso, if there's ever any sort of dodgyness in this show, I can guarantee you that I'll probably be one of the last to pick it up. 'Cause I'm slow like that :p
So yes, it being a blatant death cover up was why I laughed. And the fact that Delia said it like it was of the utmost urgency.

"If Charmander gets it's TAIL WET it won't be able to battle anymore!"

What else that is like a 'tail' becomes useless when 'wet' and can't do a certain something anymore? :x

Oh, Delia. I thought it would have been Oak or something. x_x

Almighty Zard

He has returned.
Crystal Latios said:
This little boy is adorable. One thing I don`t like, why did he take a Bulbasaur. Its getting boring. Every young trainer takes a Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur with Haimie, Bulbasaur with May. I belive, writers are in love with it, but Charmander or Squirtle are cool too.

May's was to premote FR/LG, and as for Hajime, the writers obviously went by the whole "Grass being easiest Kanto Starter" crud.