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Joyous Tower? ... Keys?


Joyous Tower... how do I find it? Must I purchase a particular friend area or something?

Also - about keys... I've had the hardest luck finding them.. even been searching all over solar cave... Is it just a matter of luck? How rare are they (obviously fairly well, as I've been in there all the way to the top 5+ times, and haven't found one)


Well-Known Member
Joyous Tower is unlocked after clearing the Pitfall Valley, and you must have obtained the Sky Blue Plains Friend Area from optional mission. If you don't have that Friend Area, then here is the wondermail code for it:

Client: Wailord
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Reward: Friend Area
As scepgatr said it is automatically unlocked after rescueing latias and clearing pitfall valley and to first do that you will need to have cleared the northern range which you unlock by bying the freind area southern island and having hm surf.

you will then wake up to latios stealing kelcleons supplies and the northern range will be unlocked.

Also with the keys they can appear in the solar cave desert region and wyvern hill but i find they are the most common in the solar cave.

I went through the solar cave only for keys and found 3 in the 20 floors. I recommend going everywhere on each floor (filling in the whole map) even if you see the stairs because the keys are normally in rooms without the stairs. ;123;

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Finish Pitfall Valley, have sky Blue Plains friend area. Then when you go south of your rescue base to the place where you can chooses which dungeon your going to, Joyous Tower will be available to pick.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
I went through the solar cave only for keys and found 3 in the 20 floors. I recommend going everywhere on each floor (filling in the whole map) even if you see the stairs because the keys are normally in rooms without the stairs.

without being "winded" *winkwink,nudgenudge*


Teh Terror of ze Sea
I reccomend going through western came with an escape orb and like 5 cleanse orbs just incase


< looks friendly
i reccomend going to the wondermail generator thread and getting the password for the hm wich u will just find in the solar cave anyway. its alot more easier and alot less time consuming, and scepgatr, ur password for sky blue plains was wrong