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Judgement Day! (368)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Judgement Day!

After May's win at the Lilycove Contest, Ash & Co. decide to head towards the open seas and come to an Island with a guy who has the 3 Kanto Middle Evolution Starters. However Team Rocket appear and want to nab them, will they?

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~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
I didn't real like this episode. Even though all 3 starter was in...it wasn't that intresting...


So who really won that battle between Brock and Ash? I read the summary but I still don't get it...

Brock looked like he won but then the girl said that Jimmy shouldn't have stopped the match *confused*


Old Coot
Takeshi was supposed to lose since Lombre played dead. If it was down for that long, even if it wasn't KO'd, it should've been counted as a KO.

I thought this episode was very interesting and Jimmy seemed like a cool filler character. Shame the animation on this episode really blew.

Factory Head Noland

Well the animation can't be great everytime....

Is the Brock's Lombre's first battle? It's Brock's first double, I know that.
Pokemonisgr8 said:
Well the animation can't be great everytime....

Is the Brock's Lombre's first battle? It's Brock's first double, I know that.

i think it is, even though it evolved like 25eps ago! that is perfectic(lombre, might of fought against team rocket but I don't count them!)

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
I thought the battle between Ash & Brock was fun to see. They haven't battled eachother in a loooooong time. Jimmy seemed more unique than most filler characters, too. I wouldn't be surprised if he made another appearence.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Well, this is the first episode with the new title screen. It makes me wonder if 4Kids will use this new one. If so, then they'll really pay for messing with Ash's badge case design. After all, the screen starts with a Poke Ball that spins around and turns into the Poke Ball on his badge case. What'll 4Kids do, turn it into a spinning rectangle? Every episode afterwards? A spinning rectangle just isn't intresting. I hope 4Kids has learned a valuable lesson.

And the episode was good, too. It had "Type Wild" during Ash and Brock's battle.


Well-Known Member
You know how 4Kids used to dub onigiri as sandwiches? Well, they've taken it a step further this time:

[img300]http://www.geoscreens.com/misc/ag92onigiri.jpg[/img300] [img300]http://www.geoscreens.com/misc/ag92sandwich.jpg[/img300]

This is beyond ridiculous. It's impossible for a sandwich to roll down a hill, but this one did.
Okay, this is one of those moments when 4Kids goes way too far! I thought they were done with Onigirl edits, they could have just got away with painting away the black part and calling it Rice Ball.
This episode seems good, but I have a question.

What IS that white and black ball, and why is it not in the dub, and why a SANDWHICH?

ok, that was 3 questions...


So hot he's on fire.
It's onigiri. :D

And they turned it into a sandwich 'cause 4Kids is all OMG JAPANESE CULTURE!!!!!1 NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 and turned it into a sammitch.

The only thing I wanna see with peanut butter and jelly in this ep is Jimmy. Covered in it. Naked. Mm-mm-MM.


Geodude said:
You know how 4Kids used to dub onigiri as sandwiches? Well, they've taken it a step further this time. This is beyond ridiculous. It's impossible for a sandwich to roll down a hill, but this one did.

*twitch twitch* Jees la freakin weize. It's amazing just how far these dubbers go to get rid of any Japanese references in a show that was made in Japan.

Phantom_Bugzy said:
The only thing I wanna see with peanut butter and jelly in this ep is Jimmy. Covered in it. Naked. Mm-mm-MM.

...I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. o_O

Geodude said:
They could've at least changed it into a donut instead of a sandwich. At least a donut could conceivably roll.

Yeah, but then that would actully make sense. XP

As for the episode itself, it was kinda iffy. I enjoyed seeing the middle stage Kanto starters again after so long (yay Lizard!), and an episode revolving around a Pokemon battle referee was sure different.

I was confused about one major thing, in the double battle Takeshi apperently did an illegal move that would disqualify him from the battle. (at first i thought it was Fake Out) If this really was an illegal tactic, wouldn't a former gym leader like Takeshi know that?