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JuicyPaperclip's fakemon

How good are my fakemon designs?

  • Awesome!

    Votes: 18 24.0%
  • Good!

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • Average.

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • Below average...

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bad...

    Votes: 8 10.7%

  • Total voters
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<!Seizure Enducing!>
!MANY MORE UPDATES! incl. Shuckle evolution!!
MOREANDMORE!! Including my best fakemon yet!!!

Hello, I decided to upload some of my fakemon I have created. I'm going to start with some I made today, and i'll have to dig up some old ones sometime.

My pokemon arent great, or the best around, but I would appreciate if you took a look at them, so I know that some people are actually finding an intrest in what I am doing, whether it be posotive or negative feedback...

Now, I for one am going to bring back what made johto region pokemon so great. SIMPLICITY. Basic Ideas, with a few character building features. This is a POKEMON.

Here is the first chain...
Lopo, the haunting fish pokemon (water/ghost) > Lopolisk, the sea serpent pokemon (water/ghost) > Monsopolis, the shipwreck pokemon (water/ghost)




The second chain...
Mifro, the fruit bowl pokemon (grass) > Popofruit, the luxury pokemon (grass/fighting)



My third chain...
Vovo, the tiny ghost pokemon (ghost) >MALE Vovopo, the small ghost pokemon (ghost)
>FEMALE Vovolo, the small ghost pokemon (ghost)




Ok now another update...
I have some babies I decided to whip up. They arent great, but what the hey...

Littung, pre-evo of lickitung

Mikippu, pre-evo of Massukippa

Another chain. They dont change much in appearance, meh.
Puffo, the puff pokemon. (normal) > Pufforce, the bulk pokemon. (normal/fighting) > Puffist, the heavy bulk pokemon. (normal/fighting)




Another Update. Very tired... Doodles these when I was tired. Works best, lets your, or in my case "imagination" run wild...

SHUCKLE >wKings rock SHUGLOBE, the mold pokemon, (rock/fighting)


Here's another very uncreative, easy, and pretty stupid chain.
Smunge, the small sponge pokemon (Normal/Water) > Mattoo, the surfing Mat pokemon (water)



Here's a single, which I might have an evo/pre-evo for, it was inspired by Registeel DS's pokemon.
Dublish, the abstract pokemon (water/psychic)


Here's an incomplete chain which I thought I'd show anyway... I've made the first two, but the third one isnt very good... at all... so i'll leave that until later, but its basically a really big, not duck but albatross like bird with an alarm thing on its head like the second one... anyway

Sounduck, the sound pokemon (water) > Qualarm, the alarm pokemon (water/flying) > Alberlarm, the emergency pokemon (water.flying) BTW they all perform rescue and emergency hospital work for humans both flying on earth, and in the sea! Im gunna re-do Qualarm and Alberlarm eventually, so just skip thsese for a while...


Ok now hello again. Exams are over (YAY) and it's my birthday tomorrow. (its all good!)
I got an ipod 30g for my birthday, I got it today just because... :p
I drew some more today, and a while back, and I thought i'd throw in some of my oldies in there too...
BEWARE I went through a major motivation stop, and so many of them look completely crap, but there are a couple of goodies in there!!

Ok hee we go.
The first pokemon I made was in total most complete creativity lack of all time... A ditto evolution. However I like it. here it is
Hugeditto, the morph pokemon (normal)

An alrightish chain I also made when I was in the creative depression.
Mushri, the whistle pokemon(grass) > Mushroar, the roar pokemon(grass) > Bellowstool, the bellow pokemon (grass/poison)




A rotomu evolution.. I dunno it needed one... It isnt great now either...
Transroto, the transmission pokemon (electric/ghost)


One of my personal favourites, Xelphe'. I made it ages ago, ive made a 3D model of it, and this is its redrawn state. It's like Fuwaraido. I mean like it's so random and unique I love it, and its seperate fromall the others.
Xelphe', the mood pokemon (ghost/dark)


Another chain, which is incomplete, but what the hey. Ive started making the evoltuion for this, but my rubber ran out, and I cant find one that isnt extremely old and sucky. So youll have to wait for new ones for a while...
Herbiglide, the nutrition pokemom (grass/flying) > ?, the seasonal pokemon (grass/dragon)

Here's the first half

Now heres an add-on the the boring ghosts... They need re-positioning, and re-drawing, but i'll post the concept now, and re-do them later, along with so many others...
Vovolo>Vovolady, the spirit pokemon (ghost/flying) Vovopo>Vovolord, the spririt pokemon (ghost/flying)



Heres another uncreative piece of crap. It's the morphus blob poison pokemon of the generation, like muk and swalot.
Kodomoplai, the playful pokemon (poison) (it also likes to play with children, hence the accessories) > Plailess, the unmovable pokemon (poison)



Now heres an oldie. It's the fire starter final evolution, in which I still havnt decided who the starter is... lol
I also got the arcanine pattern, because it looks awesome!
Ku>Kururu> KUU-RUU, the forest fire pokemon (fire/dark)


Now here is possibly the best fakemon iv'e ever made, it's the fossils evolution for the gen, and it is nameless.
???, the prehistoric pokemon (steel/ground)


It's one of my only fakemon which looks like a pokemon, which i'm proud of!

Here are some random stuff which I wanted to show.

My dad's a dermatologist, and he asked me to design the logo for his new practise. Here is the basic concept.



Last edited:


<!Seizure Enducing!>
ok because of the lack of REPLIES, I decided to post some more... they are here and in my first post...


<!Seizure Enducing!>
P.S for the first post, sorry about the sketchy white blocks in there... I forgot about the 'select all' button in paint. I know call me an idoit :p. I found it for tha second one though...
PPS sorry for double posting... :p


<!Seizure Enducing!>
I have now made each pokemon individually. They are now in my first post. Please give CC, AND OR VOTE IN POLL. hOPE YOU LIKE EM.


i really like the fruit bowl pokes you made. nice concept

i'm not too crazy about the ghosts, though.
the water/ghosts ones are a good concept, but they look too similar as they evolve, and they don't look very aquatic O_O

the other ghost is just a ghost...and its evo is just a ghost...a bit plain imo.

good ideas, just some suggestions!
great job


Well-Known Member
THey're great!
I agree with blazikenBAM though, the water+ghosts aren't very aquatic - just in the description can you undrstand the water...

are ya gonna do more?


<!Seizure Enducing!>
really? I thoguth they looked quite watery... oh well. They are sorta gyaradosy like. I agree they look a little too similar, but what the hey. I wanna come up witha different concept for Lopolisk, it looks too similar to the final form... The other ghosts are nothing special, not my best or anything... just some I whipped up last night. They are actually the volbeat/illumise equivalents. So they arent very strong, and theyre common.

Yes I will upload more, howver i'm just finalising the drawings coz iv'e made stacks of fakemon, but they r all on plain paper, and I wanna re-draw them in my sketch book so I can keep track. Today I made a norm/fight chain, howver they all look rally similar :p, oh well. I also made a Massukippa baby, and a Lickitung baby, however they need work so I'm not gunna post them... I'll keep drawing, and i'll post when iv'e got about 10 to actually post so, maybe tonight or tomorrow.


<!Seizure Enducing!>
Ok now i've made an update. Im not gettin much outta this.. but I guess its fun knowing that at least someone else will look at them besides me or my friend... Here they are. 5 newies. Also I WILL NOT be updating until maybe Friday or sometime this weekend. My exams start thrusday, and im freakin! Im only in Year 9!! :mad: Anyway...







<!Seizure Enducing!>
Another update. Also bringing it to poage one so hopefully ppl will look at it cause it has an update! Anyway, this thread aint doin much.... I'll keep drawing. Hopefully if I have satcks then ppl will notice it


Jessie's No. 1 Fan
there not good, i mean you good at least not use lined paper to draw them on, and come on, how about some colour.

I think you should leave drawing to the professionals, by your logic of course


<!Seizure Enducing!>
there not good, i mean you good at least not use lined paper to draw them on, and come on, how about some colour.

I think you should leave drawing to the professionals, by your logic of course

im not talking quality, im talking DESIGN.
I'll probably re-draw most of them on good parer, and with felt tip pens and pencils and yes, colour. But right now I just thought i'd express my ideas. And no, leasving it to the proffessionals is a negative approach. Sylver told me to keep practising, and thats what i'm gunna do. I dont really care too much about the look when they are all sketchy and rough.

Overall, I think they are good DESIGNS, and I will draw new pokemon DESIGNS, until I eventually have enough time (summer hols soon) and draw decent quality ones.

I guess its constructive critisism, but there was a tone to it which was a bit nasty, but i'll still take it on board.


Trains and such
when it comes to designing fakemon.. i understand that you don't care for quality, but the design rather(i'm the same way).. well, I don't really think that they are good designs.. *checks for exceptions*...nope.. i would have to say the only "okay" ones are the fruit ones.. thats about it... maybe the cloud.. but his evo line are all the same...so, my advice is... make them look like they can actually be pokemon, yet stay original..


<!Seizure Enducing!>
when it comes to designing fakemon.. i understand that you don't care for quality, but the design rather(i'm the same way).. well, I don't really think that they are good designs.. *checks for exceptions*...nope.. i would have to say the only "okay" ones are the fruit ones.. thats about it... maybe the cloud.. but his evo line are all the same...so, my advice is... make them look like they can actually be pokemon, yet stay original..

yeah I know. I get what youre saying. I agree the only good ones which stand out are the fruitbowl ones. I'm still working on it, but dont worry, i'll try my best. Thanks for the CC, I gotta go study now, maybe after i'll try and re-draw some with felt tip and colour. See-ya!


Salingerian Phony
My favorite one is Pufforce. You can see the "Fighting spirit" in him. Puffist looks too close to Pufforce though; maybe a tail and/or some horns will work.

Also, I had been thinking of a sponge Pokémon for a while, though I had Water/Rock in mind. Where does the Normal-type fit in?


<!Seizure Enducing!>
My favorite one is Pufforce. You can see the "Fighting spirit" in him. Puffist looks too close to Pufforce though; maybe a tail and/or some horns will work.

Also, I had been thinking of a sponge Pokémon for a while, though I had Water/Rock in mind. Where does the Normal-type fit in?

good point. Never thought about that. Also the evo and stuff isnt good either. I'll fix it. Good idea, i'll put horns and stuff on him. ill come back eventually

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
when it comes to designing fakemon.. i understand that you don't care for quality, but the design rather(i'm the same way).. well, I don't really think that they are good designs.. *checks for exceptions*...nope.. i would have to say the only "okay" ones are the fruit ones.. thats about it... maybe the cloud.. but his evo line are all the same...so, my advice is... make them look like they can actually be pokemon, yet stay original..

Dude, you gave me rather similar critisism, yet mine kinda sucks compared to these, (well, I think i'm alright :p) but I must agree, some designs are repetetive.

Overall though juicyPaperclip, I really think you are talented and that you should continue this work. You can really progress far with this type of work so far. Bravo!


<!Seizure Enducing!>
cool thanks for the compliments! And btw thanks for the good luck in exams. I really wasnt expecting that! I'm gunna continue drawing, but trying to adopt new styles and ways of making them so they dont look to similar.

I have maths exam tomorrow, and im gunna fail :(
I'm good at eveything exept maths. Im kinda a nerd. I got in the top ten for academic stuff, and I go to private school so... yeah. It's kinda weird i failed maths and still did that gud, guess i'd better work on it.

Ive got 3 exams left. Maths, VisualArts, and History. I can smell the freedom!

When I have the freedom, i'll start posting, re-making, making better drawings etc so keep coming back for updates!


<!Seizure Enducing!>
Ok i'll update when I have motivation. Im a little (obviously) low on ideas, and im a little , you know, unmotivated. I've finished exams now!!!! YAY! But I guess drawing stuff during exams was sort a way of escaping.

Therefore, I am open for ideas and requests if they are specific, and think would match my ability. Nothing like dragons and stuff though, im bad as aat that stuff. So just things like descibed features. eg. pokemon with fruit on its head, and its sorta oddish looking (Mifro, although it wasnt requested, it's just an example)

I'm so unimaginative I have drawn a Ditto evolution. Thats how unmotivated I am, but I think it looks cool. It looks bad but i'll post it soon with others when I have a new new ones, i'll probably draw more tomorrow.

Also for those who really dislike my pokemon designs... look at pokemon like Luvdisc and Mirakuge... An 8 year old could have designed them...
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