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Jump Ultimate Stars.


Aim for the Top.
I'm sure this should be here... but anyway.

JUS videos

This game just looks amazing, using a large majority of series from SJ to create what could possibly be considered the greatest anime/manga fighting game, ever. <3


Meta Knight
I going to order when play-asia gets in it. It looks amazing with the wi-fi. The battles will never stop!!

zonic the hedgehog

The characters themselves have already sold this game to me.

Having Wi-fi just makes the game even better. :D

Whee, Part II Naruto characters, D. Gray Man characters, and craploads more! *_*


Aim for the Top.
Yu-Gi was pretty crappy in the first one, only thing he had going was the ability to jump three times. Hollow Ichigo and Franky made me get this game. <3 We should probably like... all fight each other sometime.
Yu-Gi was pretty crappy in the first one, only thing he had going was the ability to jump three times. Hollow Ichigo and Franky made me get this game. <3 We should probably like... all fight each other sometime.

Yu-Gi also had his combo with Bobobo. Sure, it took forever, but it was awesome nonetheless.


Whoa a lot of new characters.
I saw Nubei, Ultimate Muscle, Slam Dunk, Franky, Freeza, and who was the kid with the Yo-Yo?
Slam Dunk was in the first one. =/

Oh, yes, I'm getting this game. Saint Seiya, Kinkkuman, and Fist of the North Star ftw. <3 Plus, Hiei and Kurama are now playable characters. So f-cking awesome.


Super Gamer
I wish this game would be translated but it's never going to happen. I mean how do you know which attacks to use if it's in a foreign language? T_T

I may import this someday but not anytime soon. I want a bunch of other DS games in English first, besides, I already imported Ouendan.



Well-Known Member
I'd like to import the game too, it does look pretty cool. I don't know how it's gonna play because I've never played Jump Superstars, which is why I'm thinking of giving Jump Ultimate Stars a try.

Too bad it's in Japanese though. I guess I'll have to find a translation guide or try my best to decipher the language.

I'd like to know if there's a story involved too, though I doubt there is one.


Aim for the Top.
Seriously guys, you don't need to know Japanese at all to enjoy this game, I got the first one and with little Japanese speaking knowledge I have I got through this game fine. Also, it seems this game is a little user friendly, as in some scans the menu seems to be in English at the bottom of it or something.

Also, love the newest trailer, MUDAMUDAMUDA. <3


Well-Known Member
Well, you see, I heard tha some fights require special objectives such as continue hitting the enemy using the same move/button and others. Not knowing Japanese, we won't be able to understand what is required and hence won't be able to complete the fight.


Aim for the Top.
A lot of people are aware of that problem for themselves too, it's why several people down @ Gamespot are writing guides and such for those not fortunate enough to understand Japanese text, the majority of the game I got through it fine, there was certain stages though I couldn't fully complete, so I used a guide for the remainder.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
It's a fighting game, they don't tend to have a lot of text anyway.

If I'm motivated enough I'll import it, it definatly looks like something I'd like. But you know, I'm lazy.

Rukia being playable will make me want it more. IS SHE!?


Well-Known Member
A lot of people are aware of that problem for themselves too, it's why several people down @ Gamespot are writing guides and such for those not fortunate enough to understand Japanese text, the majority of the game I got through it fine, there was certain stages though I couldn't fully complete, so I used a guide for the remainder.

You need to register to access Gamespot's guides, which means you need to pay as well =.= Figures. Which is why I'd decipher the Japanese myself, or go for a translation guide.

Oh yea, Rukia Kuchiki will be available as a Battle Character.
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Aim for the Top.
Actually, I joined for free, though I cannot recall how. >_>

And YES RUKIA IS PLAYABLE!? Though I've seen her in her school uniform and Shinigami uniform.


Hoenn Champion
Well, I have played on the first one, and I thought that that was an amazing game. I am going to get this one, but I think it will have to be sometime next year, as I have very little money ATM, and I am waiting for the Wii to be released.

This game looks really cool. And Hollow Ichigo looks amazing.

I also noticed some text in english on one of the scans. What was with that?