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*jumps into the forums*


Master of Charizard
Hey, just wanted to say hi before I leave my mark all over the forums.
Above said:
before I leave my mark all over the forums.
That is what we like to hear out of newcomers! Welcome to SPPf! Please enjoy your stay. If you need anything, feel free to PM me or andone else for that matter =P, we usually welcome new members with open arms. Last I checked, we keep the donuts in the Face-offs forum *points*-give it a look sometime.

Team Elecwater

shocking isnt it
Hey, just wanted to say hi before I leave my mark all over the forums.

the was a bit odd but whatever. Enjoy your flight to serebii.net forums island. Under your seat tray is a copy of the FAQ and rules of the island. Please enjoy your flight to forum land and have a great day!

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Welcome to Serebii Forums. We hope you enjoy the ride. All arms and legs must be kept inside the ride at all times. Do not leave children unattended.

We hope you enjoy the ride! :)

P.S. All unattended children will be eaten.