Ash vs Alain in the Masters Eight wouldn't be closure it would just be revenge. Ash and Alain's rivalry reached closure at the end of XYZ. Alain admitted that while he beat Ash in battle, Ash beat him where it mattered, as a person.
Alain holds no importance to Ash's personal journey anymore.
I actually don't mind Ash vs Alain not happening and never have since it something I've been expecting for a while, but even just accepting that premise, this post has nothing to do with even specifically addressing why Alain's handling/inclusion is so problematic.
From the looks of it:
- Alain is not even going to be interacting with Ash
- There's no G-Max vs MCX
- The battle is going to be incredibly rushed
- Alain's going to get his sh*t pushed in.
If you wanted to be actually respectful to Alain and actually come at his character in the correct way, he would face Steven first since they actually have a dynamic/relationship and have him win there before losing to Alain.
However, everything in your first paragraph is still fundamentally flawed when you look at it from the aspect of arguing for Ash vs Alain. There's nothing at the end of XY precluding JN from an Ash vs Alain rematch, similar to how there was nothing in Paul's character arc(given that it similarly ended) that precluded Journeys from having a battle between him and Ash and showcasing their growth. Ash and Alain promised to battle at the end of XY for f*ck's sake. Alain wanted to battle Ash again after truly earning his Mega Stone and being free from Lysandre's grasp
I can imagine a completely comprehensible narrative rematch in which the writers weren't unimaginable hacks centered around that. It's incredibly simple.
I didn't comment on it earlier, but this weird and dishonestly in how people portray Ash and Alain's relationship and their rivalry is incredibly weird to me.
While Ash vs Alain would have pleased some people for others, like myself, it would just feel like pandering. So, Ash never was able to beat him in battle, oh well, sometimes you can't win at everything in life. Now it's gonna be Alain's turn to lose to the writer's favorite of the current series.
This series is pandering 101, except it fails miserably at doing so majorly for some reason with XY.