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June 17th: PM2019 115 - The Curtain Rises! The Masters Tournament!!

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Staff member


Well-Known Member
I think the writers know that Cynthia winning would be too predictable so I think Iris will actually win


Dragon Master
I kind of don’t think Glaceon and Gastrodon should be on her team over Spiritomb and Togekiss. If she uses those two, she’ll have her Platinum team but with Lucario replaced with Kommo-o.
I want her to have Gen 8 Pokemon rather than Spiritomb and Togekiss. Hisuian Zoroark and Girmmsnarl would fit her.


Go-ing for Gold
...Then...you know...why not bring her here.

That's like telling your friend not to come but you'll take their friendship bracelet instead, but there really is no reason for this to be happening.
Using a leprechaun is against the rules, Chris-chan. Her luck powers would push things in his favor.

She could appear, maybe in a wordless cameo. Or maybe she won't, and the show didn't want to spend its limited time introducing a character who isn't needed. Or maybe we'll get an explanation, like we did with Paul and the PWC. The episode hasn't aired yet, so we don't know what's going to happen. Regardless, the show clearly wanted to acknowledge the characters had a bond, while also updating Alain's team.


S-Class Indigo League Fan
I want her to have Gen 8 Pokemon rather than Spiritomb and Togekiss. Hisuian Zoroark and Girmmsnarl would fit her.

Why though? We already just saw Grimmsnarl with Marnie, whereas Spiritomb has never gotten much fanfare in the anime and Togekiss has been pretty out of focus since Dawn’s.

Blue Saturday

Violet Prince❤️
So if Shirona is using Milokaross and Gablias (assuming this is 3 on 3?) and Iris is using Ononokus that leaves one unrevealed 'mon for Shirona and two for Iris. For Shirona I'm not sure who she'd use, Glacia would be cathartic as she was revealed with it in BW and it is strong against Dragon-types.

In that case I really hope we see Doryuzu at some point, Doryuzu (Earth Dragon) vs. Gablias (Earth Dragon) and I take it the writers will have her maybe use Kairyu again (Or Kyodaimax Lapras, pls)


Go-ing for Gold
Why though? We already just saw Grimmsnarl with Marnie, whereas Spiritomb has never gotten much fanfare in the anime and Togekiss has been pretty out of focus since Dawn’s.
Of those two, I'm hoping for Togekiss. At least Spiritomb was the villain of Allister's debut episode.


Deluded Dreamer


Y'all the material
Godssssssss idk how to tell you how MUCH I love this. Cynthia vs Iris is literally the only battle I'm looking forward to in the first round from a thematic POV, it is such good payoff man!! Such great payoff
There's one simple reason why this is all happening: Tomiyasu and the head staff, despise XY, because the XY Fans called them out over being baited, and waited years to get revenge on those accursed fans, and in doing so, effectively dismantling everything that was built up in that series.

But they're not just content with that, they are actively tricking the XY Fans into thinking that their series isn't the most hated by the head staff and tease things that the XY Fans like, and when we get to the episodes they go: "AH HA! YOU THOUGHT YOU GOT BAITED IN YOUR FAVOURITE SERIES?! HERE'S SOME REAL BAIT FOR YOU!"

Honestly, those last two paragraphs I wrote had more thought put into them, than the entirety of Journeys, and probably gave the staff too much credit.
Oh please don't bring this bullshit conspiracy theory Tomiyasu is evil and hates XY into this thread as well.
Yeah Alain got shafted really ****ing hard. Honestly I absolutely loved Alain in the first Mega evolution 3 specials until the fourth Mega evolution special soured me, but I really liked him still overall and I was kinda hoping JN would help redeem him in my eyes like they did with Serena's conclusion from XY back when Alain was leaked. But this, this handling of Alain is ****ing bad. Like this is tied for Mewtwo for the WORST handled return of any character, and even Mewtwo was understandable considering there were probably some movie/Shudo's estate issues limiting continuity
Here it's just baffling. Fine, don't make Ash battle Alain. Fine, have that G max Charizard vs MCX battle. But the first round? First battle? HALF AN EPISODE???? A chance GMax Charizard isn't even used??????
Bullshit. Alain was shafted hard
And yeah those AG flashbacks removal stings so hard, absolutely dumbass move. I still stand by XY did Korrina, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie beautifully, and it was nice to see Base Greninja actually do something for once, but Alains treatment and AG removal just is baffling
I really hope they address Alains character/growth/have SOME meaningful interaction atleast? Maybe even after the tournament or between the rounds or something? Mention AG the form?
BTW, the Anipoke PR account is now calling Ash the Alola region Champion in this image they're sending to anyone who retweets this post.

So the whole League Champion/Regional Champion thing was semantics really, he's both.
Notice how Ash is advertised with the Alola champion achievement to hype him up in EVERY promotional material, rather than OI champion or BF winner. Yeah bullshit on everyone who tried to claim him being Alola's champion wasn't his greatest achievement until PWC
Also I really love this banner, clowning everyone who said Alolan champion as a status doesn't matter to Ash/isn't his greatest achievement
Which one?

Here's the episode preview:

And here's the special promo video:
Man that second preview has really great music, I just noticed this time around
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