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Junk I drew on my Comp

Post your C&C of my art.
Also don't just post a one line reply, tell me what you liked or how I can improve, if its only one line, its basically spam.

Hope you like it.


that shading is definately lacking. dodou's shading is flat, and makes it seem very flat, as well. same with roselia.
the only one that has better shading, is electrode, but he's just a ball...but it's a sign of improvement.
also, don't use autoshapes. it's ok for electrode because he's a ball, but doduo is too perfectly round.

keep practicing

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Doduo looks stoned. It doesn't help that the second head is obviously a copy/paste/turned on a 90 degree or so axis. It'd look better if it was pointed where it was looking down. Not up at the sky stoned. Like it's feet. And Roselia's hands. Overall it's just, too stiff. Too ... flat.

Try actually drawing and not relying on copying/pasting.