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Just a Character...


Zephyr Trainer
Ok im working on this sprite right now.. any comments or suggestions??

credit for coronis for the boots..


i didnt like his hair so..





is it bad?
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Jesus Of Suburbia

purely awsome, just awsome, shading seems a bit weird but thats awsome.


Zephyr Trainer
Wacko Jacko said:
purely awsome, just awsome, shading seems a bit weird but thats awsome.
thanks.. i had trouble shading his leg, and his eyes are a bit messed up... but doesnt he looks like super man?

Jesus Of Suburbia

lol, i guess it does.

With the shading, i think you might be able to edit the colours so they look more alike.


cool-ness, the head seems to small but that might just be the cape (lance's head looks a bit small in the sprite to) becide that good idea.


Normal Coordinator
Mega said:
The sprite is cool.

Mega, I think you need a lesson on how to give c/c.

That being said, in general, the sprite is alright. there are some obvious shading errors, prominent in the leg of the sprite. The shading of the cape looks really weird, probably because the dark tone is so much darker than the light tone, so having a huge splotch of darkness surrounded by light looks odd. In general, there isn't that much to be said...as you say, it's really just a character sprite. You may want to go further in your spriting, such as doing fusions, and eventually scratches.


Zephyr Trainer

ok a bit edit from you guys......
well.. the shading in the cape bothers me too but i cant find the perfect colour to shade it in and in the pants i took it off 2 diff ppl so its not the same... and together theres to colour on the pants... gotta do some more shading..


awsomeness ultimate.. this is so good... I cant sprite like that


Zephyr Trainer
still working on overworlds....

Isnt he cool?

isnt she cute?

Stuff From PokeSho


shadings are redo
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Pokemon Master
that girl trainer pic you have, im afraid it belongs to someone else. In this case, your stealing and you know stealin' is very bad! heres the link


though you might have changed some bits, it still remains you stole it

you better give credit or else...


Zephyr Trainer
dabou8 said:
that girl trainer pic you have, im afraid it belongs to someone else. In this case, your stealing and you know stealin' is very bad! heres the link


though you might have changed some bits, it still remains you stole it

you better give credit or else...

YAY!!! *claps* Yes im stealing!!! Watch Carefully How I Do

The first one is Angel's then the middle one is oringinal last is mines... i went to her thread i did really like it i decided to give its some more edits... i just looked at hers and i made the same thing w/o C+P and i edited and if yoou look carefully you can see all the difference..

hey like my NICE stealing plan?
oh yea or else what? AND! Give credit to PokeSho for the Noland Pic In your Profile Pic
And Remember I Never Ever Ever Steal


Well-Known Member
yeah, he posted that>
on the thread, and it isnt theft because they are nothing alike, apart from the top of the body
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Zephyr Trainer
titan™ said:
yeah, he posted that>
on the thread idiot, and it isnt theft because they are nothing alike, apart from the top of the body

and for that dabou8, you are classed "n00b" under the NSF judgement
yay finally someone with really good eyes came upon :) thanks for helping me proove *props*

gotta fix UB's hair


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Pokemon Master
oh my gosh! i didnt notice (probably cuz he's good at replicating it) D:

i am soooo sorry, i feel like such a jerk, sorry for being one

oh and titan, plz, dont call me n00b or idiot, i dont like that, in fact no one does

let's all drop this and pretend this never happend, i don't wanna start a flamewar.

sorry again for being a jerk
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Pokemon Master
the're very nice, i don't really see much change though

and i propose that you put a lil' more shading in the overworld's cap, so it'll look kinda better, but either than that, it's perfect