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Just a lonly shuckle...


New Member
Well I made a 5 man team (im sure you all realise that I dont have my 6th one made yet) and i need some help with movesets and a 6th candidate (or if someone needs replaced....) so Let's hear your ideas. I know my Ev's and Iv's are godly, since i spent DAYS, even WEEKS breeding for the best of the best. Here we go...

lv 100 Shuckle <Bold> @ leftovers
Ev's - 252 def 252 s. def 6 hp
-double team

lv 100 Electivire <Hasty> @muscle band
Ev's - 252 attack 252 speed 6 hp
-Thunder Punch
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch

lv 100 Houndoom <Modest>@ Wisdom Glasses
Ev's- 252 s. attack 252 speed
-Nasty Plot
-Sludge Bomb
-Dark Pulse

Lv 100 Espeon <Modest>@ Wisdom Glasses
Ev's 252 s. attack 252 speed
-Hidden Power
-Morning Sun
-Shadow Ball

and... My Baby...
lv 100 Weavile <Lonely> @Muscle Band
Ev's 252 attack 252 speed
-Brick Break
-Ariel Ace
-Night Slash
-Ice Punch

----?6th member----

Please guys, give me all the suggestions you have... and any tips you have on killing a baton passer (a ninjask with substitue ;) ) <----- My friend kicked my *** with it... and well... you know the rest. Im open to an suggestions please!

Sceptile Owns All

Team Explorer in MD2
Before you make the same mistake again, you aren't aloud to bump.

Now back on topic.

Shuckle @Leftovers
Evs: 252 hp, 252 defence, 4 special defence
Relaxed Nature
-Gyro Ball

Electivire @Life Orb/Expert Belt
Evs: 4 hp, 252 attack, 252 speed
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Ice Punch
-Cross Chop


Electivire @Life Orb/Expert Belt
Evs: 180 attack, 252 speed, 76 special attack
Hasty Nature
-Ice Punch
-Cross Chop

Houndoom @Leftovers
Evs: 4 hp, 252 speed, 252 special attack
Modest/Timid Nature
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse

Espeon @Life Orb
Evs: 4 hp, 252 speed, 252 special attack
Modest/Timid Nature
-Calm Mind
-Grass Knot
-Shadow Ball/HP (Fire)

Weavile @Choice Band
Evs: 4 hp, 252 attack, 252 speed
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Night Slash
-Ice Punch
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace/Pursuit

You might want to use another Special Sweeper since the two you have don't have a very wide movepool. My favorite is Roserade:

Roserade @Choice Specs
Evs: 4 hp, 252 speed, 252 special attack
Modest/Timid Nature
-Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Leaf Storm


Roserade @Damp Rock
Evs: 4 hp, 252 speed, 252 special attack
Modest/Timid Nature
-Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb/Shadow Ball
-Rain Dance
-Weather Ball


Roserade @Heat Rock
Evs: 4 hp, 252 speed, 252 special attack
Modest/Timid Nature
-Sludge Bomb/Shadow Ball/Synthesis
-Sunny Day
-Weather Ball

A good Pokemon for KOing a Ninjask would be a Pokemon with a good Rock-Type Move. Rhyperior can OHKO it easily:

Rhyperior @Leftovers
Evs: 252 hp, 4 attack, 252 defence
Adamant/Impish Nature
-Stone Edge


Rhyperior @Leftovers
Evs: 252 hp, 4 attack, 252 defence
Adamant/Impish Nature
-Stone Edge
-Sleep Talk

With it's high Attack and Defence, STAB Stone Edge, and Curse if you use the first set, Ninjask doesn't stand a chance against Rhyperior.

Another Pokemon I like with Stone Edge is Gliscor:

Gliscor @Leftovers
Evs: 96 attack, 252 defence, 160 speed
Adamant/Impish/Jolly Nature
-Stone Edge
-Stealth Rock

It has more tanking ability, it's faster, and it still OHKO's Ninjask with Stone Edge.
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New Member
Well Thanks

Yea, your team suggestions are pretty nice, but the thing about that ninjask is....

In single battles, it subsitutes, and uses its ability to just gain speed..... and on top of that, it baton passes to a metagross who likes to earthquake and ariel ace everything, and a fast metagross = ****. so.... I guess my question to you is this:

How can i beat it, without designing my team entirly around it?


Dark Lord
I think you should have a Lucario in your team Modest with moves like:
Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Calm Mind and Dark Pulse or Flash Cannon. Max out EVs in Sp.Atk and Spd. without any remaining in defenses.

Sceptile Owns All

Team Explorer in MD2
If you run Max defence and an Impish Nature, Aerial Ace will only do up to 23% damage to Gliscor. That is if Metagross runs absolute Max attack (it will do less if it doesn't). You might want to add some HP Evs to Gliscor to last even longer. Gliscor will 2HKO Metagross with Earthquake if it isn't Ev Trained in Defence, and it will 4HKO Metagross if it is. With Roost to heal, Metagross will never take you down. If you don't want to deal with a high-speed Metagross, set a Stealth Rock before Ninjask comes out. Since it is 4 times weak to Rock-Type moves, 50% of it's Max HP will be dealt to it.
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