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Just a question...


New Member
Okay okay I love Pokemon and everything and I can't wait till the new game comes out but I have a serious question...

Why can Ash beat the Elite Four with his Pikachu...and yet when he begins a brand new adventure he can't beat the first gym leader? ;025;


Well-Known Member
Good question, but this belongs in the anime section. I think his Pikachu is weird too. I guess that when Ash goes to a new region, his Pikachu goes back to Lv. 5 :(.


New Member
Yea I think he did...I could also be wrong but still =-/. No accually he had to get Pikachu to learn Iron Tail before he could beat Roxanne.


Strawberry fields.
They always pick the right time for his Pikachu to win. It does lose occasionally, but never when it really counts.


The Wingull Abides
Pikachu has amnesia and forgets everything probably.


Well-Known Member
...... Weird..... I think Pikachu just get's replaced with a new one every new season...... Lol. Kidding.

Johnny Blaze

Blaze Trainer
I have no idea whats up with his Pikachu...and 90% of the time when he should us it...he uses pokemon that are weak against whatever hes going up against....


ooo, what's cooking?
simple answer. The english dub ending song (stupid although it may be) for pokeomn battle frontier sings that trainers must beat kanto to go to johto, so it's obvious really, no offese to the requester, but it's just the new regions r more challenging than the last.;munchlax;

~Shadow Vulpix~

Active Member
It's simple. Pikachu is replaced every season. :p


Born This Way
Pikachu is a different thing to understand. Sometimes it is good and sometimes I know it can do much better.
Each Region is more challenging than the last...The issue with Pikachu im not sure...but i think i have the reason it wont evolve...because in the games, you need a thunder stone to evolve a Pikachu and Ash's completely refuses to evolve.


Well-Known Member
It is just one of the inconsistancies that are in the show that are added to create something more interesting that Ash winning every time.



Well-Known Member
even if Ash has beaten some great trainers with his pikachu it doesnt mean its gonna win everytime. its like in real life when you think about sports, just because your team becomes a champion is not a guarantee that youre gonna be champion again next year. simple logic people.


Stabby McStabface
Yes, but that's not a real life, it's Pokemon world..

I think it's weird too...maybe it's a clone Ash with a new Pikachu in every new season?