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Just a thought

Aqua's Dolphin

Itsuki's bishie boy
In GSC, u get a red gyarados, if you trade it to 1st gen will it be red on there, or will it be blue or just not let u trade? Sorry if it's a stupid question. ;393;


It'll be the same color as a normal Gyarados on R/B/Y, but will retain its shiny color when traded to any Gold, Silver, or Crystal cartridge.
The thing that makes a Pokemon shiny is retained in the older games, even though they won't look shiny. It's interesting that that byte can be manipulated, allowing the Ditto-shiny glitch.


Furret rocks
The 1st Gen games don't have the ability to show shiny'ness, I don't think.
They don't show shininess in the first gen, but they do retain it. It's possible to transfer one from RBY to GSC and it'll randomly be shiny.


The Ditto Glitch involves trading a shiny Pokemon (such as Gyarados) from G/S/C to a R/B/Y game and teaching it Mimic. If you send the Pokemon out into a battle with a Ditto, have the Pokemon Mimic Transform, then transform into Ditto a few times while it transforms into you. Then catch the Ditto. When the Ditto is traded to G/S/C, it has the same IV's as the Pokemon you used (meaning if the Pokemon you used was shiny, the Ditto will be shiny, and if you used a max stat Pokemon, the Ditto will have maximum stats).