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Just came back

Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry I was gone for so long but I had to get my school work and exams out of the way and I've got heaps of free time left now that school's gone.

For those who don't know me, I'm Dark "Dranz" Dranzer. I'm 18 years old (a Gemini chic) and I come from Victoria, Australia and I was a fan of Pokemon since I was 10 or 11 when it first came out in Australia and I still am a fan, guess some things never change huh? (In case you were wondering, yeah, I did get dissed about it at school but they kinda mellowed out about it when we entered our senior years).

I'm also a huge fan of the 80's and the old or new (prefer old) sci-fi cartoons (Transformers G1, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, DBZ, X-Men:TAS and Evo and Pokemon), favourite books are the Harry Potter series, favourite music genre's hard rock, alternative and sometimes Heavy Metal and Orchestra and the new Marvel style comics (X-Men and Wolverine). Sci-Fi and Fantasy are my favourite genres.

I'm also pretty easy going and as you can see I'm not afraid/ashamed to reveal to the world what I like, 'cause that's just me!!

So yeah, that's basically me in a nutshell. Lookin' forward to be reaquainted with some old friends and meeting new ones!!



Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
Thanks Dragonite!! Man, this place changed without me noticin'...I'm impressed!!

Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
Naah, I meant the add ons in the forums, like the badge thingies underneath the Custom User Titles and what not. The SPAM was still there when I was here last so I don't think it would count for a change, except with the number of SPAM posts/topics that I saw.

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
Wow, wow, wow, wow, and wow. It's like a blast from the past.
Welcome back, nevertheless. :D


An Ode to the Fallen
I have no idea who you are (just joined a few weeks ago), but welcome back! :D

-bluwirz ;026;

Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
I've been great, how about yourself? :D
How long have you been gone mate? A year or two? o-o

The weather's absolutely horrible, stinking hot and it feels like a cyclone outside. Well, I just came back from an awards ceremony (our school was one of those that were involved, it was about our production, a comedy about pirates. Our school got the award for "Outstanding School Community" or something like that).

I was nominated for "Outstanding Performer but" I didn't get it. Though it was cool that I was able to represent my school in something, it's one of those things that I've been wanting to do during my 6 years of schooling.

And to answer your second question: Dunno, it feels like a few months but time's deceptive like that.

pikagirl, bluwirz...don't know you guys either but thanks and I hope I get the oppertunity to get to know you two a bit better!!

Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
Hey, well I don't think I was there for a fair while. But yeah, I hope I get to know you guys (Virtual Headache and Solar Sceptile) a bit better as well!!

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
I don't remember you having only become very active earlier in the year, but I always enjoy welcoming members back.

So, welcome back to SPPf, and I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
Thanks, well my memorie's kinda faulty at present seeing that I can't remember most of the members I've been introduced to last year (I think). As I said, it's good to be back. It's nice that I've got more time left over seeing that High School's finished!!