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just curious

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...i noticed that psychic attacks do super effective damage to vileplume and it pre-evolutions or at least i thoght they did,but a few minutes ago i used a psychic attack and it did "average" damage to a gloom
and my question is: WTF HAPPENED?


A. You thought the attack you used was a Psychic-type attack.
B. By "average" you mean that it didn't obliterate the Gloom, though it was supereffective.
C. It's a glitch.
D. You hacked your game.


Staff member
Or, the attack was Psywave or Future Sight. Psywave and Future Sight do the same amount to any type, except I don't know if Psywave affects Dark types (Future Sight does, though.) If you didn't use those, then it's what S:C said.
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