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Just One Of The Geysers! (307)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
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Just One Of The Geysers!

After Surviving the storm, Ash decides to re-battle Brawly in a geyser filled battlefield. Brawly uses his Machop and Hariyama whereas Ash uss his Corphish & Treecko. Will Ash Win this time?

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Factory Head Noland

What an exciting episode! This was such a cool battle, Machop was scarily powerful when it was chopping the rocks down! Corphish and Treecko both put up great fights and it was cool when Treecko and Hariyama shot up on the geysers and collided and Treecko won! It was a tough battle!!


So hot he's on fire.
Luck for Ash, once again. >>;

Brawly should have won again, even IF that would mean ANOTHER rematch with him. But that would benefit me. >3

I just love how everyone's all 'OMG IT'S TEAM ROCKET!' and Brawly just goes 'Whoa, how'd you get here?' XD He's so clueless. I love 'im. ^_^


Phantom_Bugsy said:
Luck for Ash, once again. >>;

Brawly should have won again, even IF that would mean ANOTHER rematch with him. But that would benefit me. >3

I just love how everyone's all 'OMG IT'S TEAM ROCKET!' and Brawly just goes 'Whoa, how'd you get here?' XD He's so clueless. I love 'im. ^_^
Seemed like a fair gym battle win for Ash to me... but like you who has a huge bias for Brawly, I have one for Ash :)

The gym battle is my favourite Hoenn League battle currently (since I've only seen three), I love this episode and its my favourite of the series...

Brawly fighting TR at the beginning was hilarious, I mean talking to them until the geyser came was just awesome!


I actually kinda thought Shauna would end up getting a crush on Ash this time--there's no denying that before they did make an equally "hotheaded competative" couple, doncha think?


So hot he's on fire.
I would have preferred that. >D Then I won't have so much competition as #1 Fangirl? :D *cackles evilly*

Actually, that would be kinda scary since Shauna is like....ME and Ash is Ash. :0 *shot for that*


Good episode. Not one of the best Hoenn gym battles I've seen so far but still it's good. Treecko finally redeemed itself by defeating the powerful Hariyama. The battle was awesome really. The stratergy Ash executed were real brilliant :) Oh and there were some funny parts in this ep like when Brawly told the Rockets that something "powerful" was coming and it ended up being the geyser, ha =)

Well I give this ep a 7.5/10


So hot he's on fire.
Brawly's just awesome like that. *____*

He's smart but he's not but he is. o____0; HE'S MAGICAL.

I still don't think Treecko should have beaten him. >__> LET THERE BE A THIRD MATCH.



Very nice gym battle though. Kimori finally got his rematch against Hariteyama, Heigani put up a great muscle battle against Wanriki, and the addition of the geysers in the arena gave the battle a unique twist.

Hm, maybe I'll try my hand at a Satoshi/Shauna fic... >> Does anyone know her Japanese name?


Team Awesome
At least Ash finally won his gym battle with Brawley. I did love most of the Dewford Island episodes (except for "Ready Willing and Sableye"), but I think it was definitely time they got back to the mainland. Treecko and Corphish really battled well too.

I loved how Team Rocket managed to end up in Brawley's secret base and started eating him out of house and home, even saying the motto with their mouths stuffed. That was pretty funny. :)


So hot he's on fire.
And I love how everyone's all 'OMG ITS TEAM ROCKET!!!!!' and he's just '....whoa, how'd you get in here? :0' ...>3 Awww, he's teh adorable.

And Juptile, her japanese name is Shinobu. :0 DO IT. It'll keep her away from mine/Matsu's/Caden's/Daigo's Touki. <3

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Great gym battle, although (as usual) Team Rocket really annoyed me by claiming Brawly's gym to be their "secret base"


Well-Known Member
Loved the gym battle. It was good that Treecko got some Justice.


Ace Trainer
Excellent rematch, because any third loss in a gymbattle would be worst than losing a league. Plus it will only make Ash's friends stay on his damn back.


Well-Known Member
Excellent rematch it's made even more exciting with the it taking place on a natural battlefield, I always love it when they use natural battlegrounds in gym matches. Poor Corphish didn't farewell in it's first gym battle but at least it did get in one KO and a few nice shots on Hariyama. Grats to Ash for winning his 2nd badge, if I remember correctly this is the last time in the Hoen region Ash has any trouble winning a badge at the remaining gyms.