After Surviving the storm, Ash decides to re-battle Brawly in a geyser filled battlefield. Brawly uses his Machop and Hariyama whereas Ash uss his Corphish & Treecko. Will Ash Win this time?
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Seemed like a fair gym battle win for Ash to me... but like you who has a huge bias for Brawly, I have one for AshPhantom_Bugsy said:Luck for Ash, once again. >>;
Brawly should have won again, even IF that would mean ANOTHER rematch with him. But that would benefit me. >3
I just love how everyone's all 'OMG IT'S TEAM ROCKET!' and Brawly just goes 'Whoa, how'd you get here?' XD He's so clueless. I love 'im. ^_^