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Just plain annoying

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Well-Known Member
Why on earth don't moderators enforce rules? You see, people, I'm tired of seeing whole threads of the same answer. Go to 3rd Gen discussion and see it for yourselves.

"Where is teh Rayquzzan?"

"Sky Pillar after Sootopolis"
"Beat Sootopolis, then go to the Sky Pillar"
"Go to the skai pilar after beating sutoplis"
And it never fails the one that says: "*mini-mods* U r all saying the same thing all over. Anyway, go to the Sky Pillar after beating the Sootopolis thingy like everyone said"

Don't rules clearly state that this is forbiden? Shouldn't mods do something about this?

AJ Flibble


They do. They close/delete threads. They do a lot. They can only go so far to enforce the rules. It's often down to the members not to create such threads.

Forums need more common sense IMO.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
I can thank the Pokegods that someone else is fed up with it.

Unfortunately, however, the mods can't really alter people's common sense, so we'll just have to be tolerant.
Use the report button, they work wonders. Mods can't be online all the time, so the most you can do is just save your replies and use the report button, that's the fastest way we'll get to something.



Well-Known Member
Use the report button, they work wonders. Mods can't be online all the time, so the most you can do is just save your replies and use the report button, that's the fastest way we'll get to something.


I use it. A lot. But it's overwhelming. It's crammed full of that kind of massive post-copying, paired with the HUGE amount of stupid threads ("where do I find Prof. Bircht in Emereld? Hurry up I need pokaimans to NBXORZBBQ tonite!!"). And let's not forget the wrong forum posting ("I know this doesn't belong here, but I didn't want to scroll down three pixels more to get to the RMT forums...").
Seriously, mods need to start punishing users for not reading the rules, and thus disobeing them, instead of mass-closing threads.


Beginning Trainer
The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.

Fiery Blaziken

Well-Known Member
Maybe they're busy doing something else? :O

The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.

No they're not. They give explanations most of the time and pretty much any thread locked deseves it. :/


What 'bout My Star?
Well, you know these mods are probably looking on how severly spammy the thread is, and how to deal with them in an efficent fashon
The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.
Actually, the mods are Quite Lienient, maybe a bit too leinent, but still if you wanna see Nazi, just go find Joseph Gobelsl, he and his Nazi friends are probably still in Brazil.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.

One complains about us not doing our jobs, while at the same time here's someone who doesn't want us to do our jobs.


The best thing you can do is just report it. When a mods sees it, she'll take care of it. There's nothing else to it, really.

Captain Brain

Well-Known Member
I My Opinion there are 3 kinds of normal members
1. Those who complain that mods don't do their jobs
2. Those who think there shouldn't be mods
3. People who appreciate the mods work.

I also think that a thread like this should officially be created. this:http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=112267
Be sure to read the last post. If a mod made the thread I think it would have a better response.
It would be the least we could do is post in a thread like that and follow the rules. ;025;


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the "mods are nazis" guy this whole thread has gone completely offtopic.
I never said that mods don't do their work correctly, I just said it could be somehow harder: if an user keeps on breaking rules, it can have its rank lowered, and thus getting less privileges than most other users, or getting a temp ban, or I-don't-know. But it's pointless to just close the thread with a "don't do it again" message, as they'll do it again. Several times. Till they get banned.
Sincerely, I never wanted anyone to understand that I think Serebii's mods don't do their jobs correctly. I know it's pretty hard to control forums this big, but you may also agree with me that there a lot of users that don't follow the rules and get away with it, while we respectful users have to put up with their mess...
The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.

But it's pointless to just close the thread with a "don't do it again" message, as they'll do it again. Several times. Till they get banned.
A lot of the time, people learn from their mistakes. We can't just ban people or take away priveliges because they made a mistake that's been made before. The most we can do is close the topic, with a reminder, and then hope that they've learnt. Obviously those who don't learn are banned, but the reality of it is, what we do is all we can do.

You guys could help by not replying to topics that will be closed though, but hey, you don't have to take my advice and go into practice with this great idea.



[Insert Wacky Title]
Really, I'd say mods are doing a good enough job as it, maybe even better. Consdering there are only 50ish mods, 500+ pages of members, and many different forums, it's quite a lot for them to handle. Due to that, chances of missing something is fairly high.

Not that I'm saying there ought to be more mods, but they should be appreciated for all the hard work that they have been putting into SPPF.
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Feraligatr Master
This forum is BIG enough for them to stay all over every thread...
They have lifes you know?
I know that´s a little frustrating, don t rant, just do your part and report.


Want my opinion? (You don't.)

At other forums, including ones larger than this one, I've seen good methods for administration. I'll describe one forums' in detail, despite the fact that several of its features are in place here already, because it all needs to be there.

- Warnings are logged in the usernotes.
- After three warnings for the same offense, or five total for different offenses, a moderator can start a thread as a ban request in the mod forum.
- The high majority of bans are permanent, but a member can create a new account (unless he is such a troublemaker that he is placed on "Ban on Sight"). Said member can never have a name change to his old account name.
- Multiple accounts are allowed, but interaction between them is banned.
- If a mod sees a signature over the limit, he can post a link to the member's profile in a dedicated signature in the mod forum.

- Moderators have the power to close and stickify threads in the forum they mod.
- Moderators have the power to move/rearrange/merge posts and threads in the forums they mod.
- Moderators have the authority to give a usernote warning to a member in the forum they mod.
- When a warning is given, the moderator posts a usernote and posts in the thread, stating that the person is warned. If needed, the thread is closed. (Mods can PM the warned member as a courtesy, though this is not required.)
- Mods can moderate a maximum of five forums. This allows them to give more attention to the forums they mod, and also keeps them from being overwhelmed.

- Super Moderators have all the powers that mods have, but in every forum.
- Super Moderators can ban members.
- Super Moderators can give sig warnings and remove signatures.
- Super Moderators can change names.
- There is a small number of Super Moderators.
- One S-Mod is dedicated to name changes.
- One S-Mod is dedicated to watching the signature thread.
- All S-Mods are dedicated to watching for ban requests in the mod forum.

- Admins do... whatever admins do in their special admin-only forum.

- Whenever a mod feels that he isn't active enough to take care of his forum (or realizes that his forum could use more help), he nominates a worthy member in a sticky thread in the mod forum. Every three months (or when needed), an administrator starts a poll in the mod forum for each member. If the member gets more positive votes than negative ones, the member passes the vote and is promoted to moderator of the forum he was nominated for.
- If needed, a moderator can "drop" a forum at any time.
- If a forum has no moderators at any time, it is mentioned in a devoted sticky topic for modless forums. Any moderator can post to be added to a modless forum.

That's not all of it, but it's enough to make a difference if it were implemented. And if the moderators say they can't be on all the time, well, promote someone who can. There are members here who can spend over an hour each day on the forums, and I'm sure that there are at least a few who are mod material.

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
Thanks to the "mods are nazis" guy this whole thread has gone completely offtopic.
Thanks to you, there's a topic to go offtopic with.

And whatever happened to the report button being some "Well, you can hit it, but nothing will be done about it. It's just better to PM a mod" buton? Has the route of the reports been rerouted or something? Anyway, they're doing fine. How long have you been here? Not long. Sit back and chill for awhile, then start complaining. If you think that it needs repair, why don't you try becoming a moderator and seeing what happens, eh?
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.

Thanks SO much for comparing us to monsters who helped to slaughter millions of innocent people, that's really an appropriate analogy there.

If I close a thread without posting a reason why, there are only two reasons:

1. The thread is complete and utter spam, and other members have posted to say so;

2. The question has been answered and the topic creator requests it to be closed.

Otherwise I post a reason why I'm closing the thread. People like you who post these kind of comments can never give an example of a thread that was closed "without a good explanation."

As to the original topic, again, mods can't be here 24/7, we all have lives and I think it'd be REALLY difficult to find new mods that CAN be here every hour of their lives. We do the best we can. If you see something against the rules, REPORT IT instead of making threads complaining about it.

When I do see the kind of threads discussed in the OP, if it's only a few posts and it's not completely out of hand (2 pages saying the same thing), I'll either close it since it's answered, or post with a link to the rules and an admonishment to the people who posted, and THEN close it. If I warned every single person doing this kind of thing every time I saw it, I swear I'd never do anything else. What I DO do is look at each person's post count and see if they have any other posts like that ("what they said," etc). If it's a recurring thing, THEN I will warn them.

I don't want to feel that we as mods have to defend ourselves all the time, but I DO want to explain my method so people understand we do what we can how and when we can. Considering it's all volunteer and the majority of us are older teens/young adults with school and/or jobs, IMHO we do pretty damn well.


Feraligatr Master
You sure do...
And I completely understand...I´m a mod and it like they think we don t have anything else to do but follow thread by thread and post by post every day.
It s damn annoying when they have the nerve to b/tch about it when they don t know what it takes.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thank you. I'll leave this boards, you may close this.
A guy says you mods are nazis, and that becomes my opinion. I say I'm fed up of idiots making my SerebiiForums experience a bit worse with every post they make, I'm calling the mods lazy and saying they don't do their jobs well. Pretty nice way to tell me to shut up.

Although some might see it as spam under the definition of posting information or asking something pointless, it isn't.

Please. The Rules clearly state that posting what the above users already posted, without giving any useful info aside from that, is SPAM. I read the rules. They state it.

Thanks to you, there's a topic to go offtopic with.
It's call 'an opinion', thank you very much. If you're gonna put yourselves in a defensive stance everytime someone disagrees with you this is gonna be very hard to put up with.
To sum it up, you won't accept any suggestions. The best thing for me to do is get out of this forums, as you seem to treat all users equally, that being both good and bad.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
You said the mods were lazy; the mods came and we defended ourselves, explaining that we do our jobs to the best of our abilities. And because of that we're "nazis." .... Mmkay.

And we "won't accept suggestions?" Where did you ever suggest anything that would help us? All you said was "mods don't enforce rules, they're lazy." That's not a suggestion.

As I said before, one instance of spam in one thread isn't enough to get someone warned or banned right away. If someone is spamming continuously something will be done. If someone posts "yeah, what they said" one time in one thread we're not going to explode on them, people make mistakes. We close spam threads when we see them, we warn and ban people when it's appropriate. What do you suggest we do differently?

We have plenty of members telling us we're TOO strict, and some telling us we're not strict enough. We can't please everyone, and if you really think it's so horrible here you are welcome to leave, as is any member.
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