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Just plain annoying

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Blaziken D.

Sherlock James
Why do people think mods are servants? They're not lifeless computer drones as are the GMs of Yu-Gi-Oh Online. If you don't like how things are run, then you go ahead and leave. You are obviously ungreatful of the job these mods do to make these forums enjoyable.



i said plain cheese!
If It Weren't For The Mods This Forum Wouldn't Be The Same. They have Worked Hard With This Forum And You Are Calling Them Lazy


Live Long & Prosper
Ok, thank you. I'll leave this boards, you may close this.
A guy says you mods are nazis, and that becomes my opinion. I say I'm fed up of idiots making my SerebiiForums experience a bit worse with every post they make, I'm calling the mods lazy and saying they don't do their jobs well. Pretty nice way to tell me to shut up.

Go sulk somewhere else.


Feraligatr Master
Ok, thank you. I'll leave this boards, you may close this.
A guy says you mods are nazis, and that becomes my opinion. I say I'm fed up of idiots making my SerebiiForums experience a bit worse with every post they make, I'm calling the mods lazy and saying they don't do their jobs well. Pretty nice way to tell me to shut up.

Okay...for once you made a good desicion....
If you complain and do nothing about the situation [which I think is only in your paranoid head] just go ahead and leave.
Don t let the door smack you in the *** while your leaving.
Sure as hell mods are doing one heck of a job over here to be defending themselves from b/tchy internet brats with lots of time on their hands
Mods, the "user" requested this thread to be closed. I recommend you do so, this makes no sense anymore.


So asking where to find Rayquaza doesn't fit the category of spam.
I don't think the topic creator was referring to the starter of the topic so much he was referring to the many, many people who replied. E.g.,

"Where do you catch Rayquaza?"
"You beat the Elite Four."
"Don't forget, you need the Mach Bike. Also, he'll be at level 70."

^ That wouldn't be, err, SPAM. However:

"Where do you catch Rayquaza?"
"You beat the Elite Four."
"Yeah, what he said."
"Just go to Ever Grande and beat the Elite Four."
"You need to beat the game first!"

By the very definition of SPAM, repeated messages are pointless, and many people (including myself) would consider them both "stupid" and "annoying." And unfortunately, it happens a lot around the forum.
But in any case, the most we can do to really enforce the rules is lay a ban down. Closing or deleting a topic isn't going to show the person anything other than leaving him or her with the question of what happened to the topic. In which, people who have had their topics deleted by a mod simply repost the same topic. They don't think it's wrong.
I don't see why anyone would delete a topic, as it's a simple two clicks without loading to close a thread.

Laying a ban down isn't the only option, technically. Remember sig warnings? It's quite a good system that's been implemented -- after someone breaks the sig rules once, a warning is logged to their usernotes. When they receive a certain number of sig warnings, they lose privileges.

Why not implement the "sig system" for regular warnings as well? After a moderator sees a bad post, the moderator posts a usernote with a link to the bad post (e.g., "[noparse]Warned for flaming.[/noparse]"), and then posts in the thread to tell the member that a warning was given. Then when there are three warnings (or however many the administration decides on), the member is banned. Not only would this provide a quick and simple way to keep track of who's a good member and who's not, it would also serve as a visual deterrent to the general public -- if they see people getting warnings, they will be less likely to repeat the same behavior.

Granted, it would gain a lot of criticism from a large number of forum members if it were implemented -- but as the staff members have often noted, they receive negative comments about almost any new feature, good or not.
And you try being a mod. What are you going to do? Puppy guard your particular forum?
...It's what I do...
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Not only would this provide a quick and simple way to keep track of who's a good member and who's not, it would also serve as a visual deterrent to the general public -- if they see people getting warnings, they will be less likely to repeat the same behavior.
The problem here being that normal members can only see their own usernotes.

I make a point not to complain about something if I could do something about it but don't, and you should too. If I see a sig with a giant pic in it, I have no right to complain about it not being removed until I PM Psiumbreon(or Wolf Goddess or someone else who takes care of sigs) about it and a reasonable amount of time has passed(ie. if the person I PMed hasn't even went to SPPf since I PMed them or in any case where it's been less than a day). Same goes for spammy threads and posts in general. The funny thing is...if you actually look through threads that are more than five hours old, you actually see that spammy ones ARE delt with. Of course the first page or so's going to have spam threads open - the mods can't be expected to hover over each forum 24/7. Plus some spam threads just die on their own before any intervention comes.

Considering that the forums haven't been completely buried by spam, I would have to say the mods ARE doing their jobs. A few forums are worse than others(notable the whole of General Pokemon Discussion and DP Discussion), but overall it's nowhere near as bad as it could be. And the mods aren't as strict as some make them out to be, either. Especially considering what they have to sift through EVERY DAY(seeing the quantity of stupid posts SPPf gets per day is slightly depressing. I'd rather not imagine what DEALING with all that stupid is like). They make mistakes, but then again so does the rest of the forum.

If nothing else, you'll get used to the spam. I know I have. :<


What Juputoru said could rise a good point. The mods aren't here 24/7, all of us have lives, etc.
I realize that, and it is a valid point. If you reread my posts, you'd see that I never said the mods weren't doing their job. But if you say that you're inactive because you "have a life," then many people would view that as a way of saying there's a problem but not doing anything about it. If your daily lives and lack of time are such a problem, then hire new moderators and fix the problem.

Again, I never said the mods weren't doing their job -- in fact, it's to their credit that this forum hasn't descended into total anarchy already (it certainly has the potential).
And posting rules are treated differently than sig rules. For example, I think it's harsh to ban someone for five meager spam posts spread across a few days. And when we warn someone, only they get the warning, and I believe only the other mods can see it. Usernotes too. There is no public system (That would be a little mean).
I wasn't referring to usernotes -- I'm aware that they're invisible to other users.

What I meant was, say, the following hypothetical exchange:

Member1: "Where do you get Rayquaza?"
Member2: "On top of Sky Pillar -- it's east of Pacifidlog Town."
MemberX: "Yeah, Rayquaza is totally awesome! But Mewtwo's better."
MemberY: "What are you talking about? Mewtwo's UGLY! Rayquaza totally pwns him!"
Member1: "Thanks 2, but how do I get past these cracks? I always fall through!"
Modulator: "Members X and Y, please stay on topic. I'm giving you a warning for SPAM."

Now, MemberZ comes in this thread, he's a new guy. "Oh hey," he thinks as he reads posts #3 and #4. "I'm going to join in too!" Then he suddenly notices Modulator's post, and thinks, "Wait a minute. This guy says to keep to one topic. I guess I won't post like that, or I'll get in trouble."

See? One less SPAM post.

Usernotes aren't visible, but this form of "public" warning -- similar to the concept of being put in stocks, though without the physical aspect and the level of humiliation (this is the internet, after all). And remember what's said in the Newbie Help Topic & FAQ thread?

"Why shouldn't I SPAM?
The number one reason why you shouldn't, is that it's against the rules. SPAM is also a sign of a lower class. You can fast become known as a 'Spammer' and your reputation will drop."

If it's against the rules, and if the reputation thing (which I assume isn't referring to the old "good rep bad rep" vBulletin feature) is meant to refer to real online "credibility," then people would be able to see through their posts that certain people are SPAMing, and they won't be inclined to repeat the same behavior.

Let's also consider the SPP chat for a moment. Every time someone posts a #, a link, all caps, or certain swear words, they get banned for five minutes. Some people (several actually) think it's too harsh -- but the reply given is that it's required for a good experience for other visitors to the chat. I agree with that to an extent, but why isn't such strictness promoted in the forum? Being banned for five days in a forum is roughly analogous to a five minute chat ban, considering the fact that many chat conversations last less than a minute while many at a forum can last over a month.
And there's also no way to restrict posting of normal members, besides desginating some forums to be moderated, special members only, or due to rank.
It's possible to create usergroups that are unable to view a specific forum -- thus effectively "blocking" a notorious SPAMer from a certain forum. It's not even a ban -- and bans aren't an excessively harsh punishment, seeing as they're almost always temporary.


This avatar sucks.
Mods are not fascist dictators...they can't just go around telling people what stuff they can't say and do.
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Mods are not fascist dictators...they can't just go around telling people what stuff they can't say and do.

it's called government.

the lack of government is called anarchy.

anarchy is MUCH WORSE than having a bad government.

no government equals no rules: no rules means everyone does what they want. and what they want is RARELY what others want.

I'll let you all think about that.
The moderators here are nazis, in my opinion. They lock threads left and right without any warning or a good explanation.

LOL, n00bs these days.

The mods are not Nazis, they do their job well. You have no room to complain. Most of the time, when a mod locks a thread, there is a good reason for it. So don't just say stuff without any proof.

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
LOL, n00bs these days.

The mods are not Nazis, they do their job well. You have no room to complain. Most of the time, when a mod locks a thread, there is a good reason for it. So don't just say stuff without any proof.

True, I mean the times when they don't post saying something it should be something dead obvious (like a huge flamewar or a bump). If the moderators were Nazis, we would all be dead anyways.


Old Coot
I'm generally on all the time.

Doesn't mean I can get to everything.

Simply "promoting someone" who can do that doesn't help. You folks need to learn that COMPLAINING DOES NOTHING. You're better off using the report button or PMing/IMing us.
True, I mean the times when they don't post saying something it should be something dead obvious (like a huge flamewar or a bump). If the moderators were Nazis, we would all be dead anyways.

Yay! The first time ever that you agreed with me on something! This goes in the record books.

But seriously, Hakuzo (the guy who said mods are Nazis) you need to shut up and think about what you are posting. Wee all know how happy you'd be if you were a mod, so don't go around calling them Nazis.


;444; LugiaRules
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formerly R. New
The mods are NOT lazy. They do their job properly, they give reasons for what they're doing (when necessary). Okay, I had a slight hatred of mods for a short while when someone (coughedwardelriccoughahem) closed my thread for reasons I didn't agree with. I also think that some mods are too strict sometimes (chokerazorleafcoughahemhack), but they do their jobs. Leave the mods alone.

Off topic a bit: love the Nazi thingy, Josh.
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Feraligatr Master
What I fail to understand is why is this thread still open when the smart fella who opened it already left and this [from the very beggining] is a stupid topic... plain ridiculous... AND he requested it to be closed.
This is so dead...

Ludicolo Master

Coolest Avvie yet!
I would just like to point out that these stupid disccussions is what cause's Hacker's to Piss off. If your thinking 24/7 , that would be a 20 year old Unemployed person. Please do not think your going to Mod someday.Don't Hack.Hacking is the same thing as putting a Atomic bom(sp?) on a bigtown.and AND WOULD ALL YOU FU*KIN' STOP N00bs MAKING THIS POINTLESS DISCUSSION!?




oML mods arent lazy look some dont post alot BUT DAM do they help they help keep these place great if there were no mods *shudders*
fair enough some mods have differant approaches but they get the job done most of the time well so please dont bad mouth them theres no need if a mod slagged some one it would be like
"oh N0ez they called me Stoooopid"
well in that case ya are
respect people or please dont make these threads

What I fail to understand is why is this thread still open when the smart fella who opened it already left and this [from the very beggining] is a stupid topic... plain ridiculous... AND he requested it to be closed.
This is so dead...
Its still around cuz people like you keep replying to whine about it being open instead of just letting it die =(

Here lemme sum up this thread in about 4 lines.

"The mods are too strict"
"No theyre not, theyre doing a good job"
"**** you."
"**** you too."

There we go!
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