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Just some drawings...^.^


+ L i g h t m a r e
Hi everyone. I like to draw every now and then so I guess I'll show some of my artwork. Enjoy and please leave some comments, criticisms, etc.



All drawings credit to me and the backgrounds are from google.


Well-Known Member
Ohh, i like the jolteon! I have on piece of crit, though. I think you should make them all a little bit more shaded, just to k'know difine some areas better. Other than that, it is awesome! I think if you add a darker yellow under jolteon's mane, it sould look even more superb. For quilava, I don't see much problem's. Also, I think you should make latias more rounded, since I think it look quite flat. But then again, these are paper drawings!

I really like the background choices, though, if you have Photoshop, GIMP, psp, or something, I suggest you make your own backgrounds. This makes everything more original.

Well, these are still amazing!
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Born This Way
Pepsa, I kind of agree opposite. I think that no further shading should be added. It is nice to have a traditional crayon coloured picture drawn, that is simple but very well drawn. Keep up the excellent work. What I would suggest: To make your own background to officialy say "it's yours".


+ L i g h t m a r e
I don't know how to make my own backgrounds... I'll just bug my brother until he teaches me. Thanks for the compliments guys. ^_^ My shading was never really that good either so I'll work a bit on that.

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
Pretty good.
I like Quilava's paws. ^x^
And you should work on background and shading because these backgrounds er...stick out I guess you could say. ^^;;


Kanto Starter Fan
I like how youve cut out your drawings and put them on simple backgrounds to suit the mood, especially Jolteons. Hes my favorite Pokemon from Eves evolutions, so im really happy with that. I really hope to see more from you. Perhaps a plant theme next? ^_^


Sun cat
Your drawings are great!!! But of course...every drawing can be better!!! LOL i wish i could draw like that!!! xD WOW!!! I LOVE YOUR JOLTEON!!!