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Just started FireRed


Well, I was just wondering if I should keep this party:

Mankey lv. 8

Spearow lv. 7

Pidgey lv. 8

Pikachu lv. 8

Squirtle lv.10


I'm not a Pokemon expert (I just started playing FireRed too ( My first Pokemon game D: )) but I know my Pikachu has helped me out tons! (He's on level 30 right now.) And so has my Pidgey. I don't know about the others though.


[Insert Wacky Title]
You can knock off one bird Pokemon, since you won't need any more than one. Pidgey is fine, and you can get a Farfetch'd for that Spearow. There's a house next to the Pokemon Fan Club in Vermillion city where a girl gives you Farfetch'd for your Spearow. Use farfetch'd temporarily for HM Cut.

Fighting types aren't an absolute necessity, but it's ok to have one. You won't encounter that many normal type Pokemon, except Snorlax and a few others.

Remember to add a fire type later on. Growlithe is a good choice, you can get one at lvl 30 in Cinnabar mansion. If you want a psychic type, you can get Mr. Mime from an in-game trade where you give Abra for it. When you exit Diglett's cave in Vermillion city, there's a house nearby with a guy who gives you Mr. Mime for Abra. Try to catch an Abra before you get there.


I want your cheese..
If you are just wanting to keep in things that will help you throught the game then you might want to put a geodude in there, and get rid of spearow and put in a fire type, hope to be helpful! :)
to many pokemon and get

add your pokemon as you go throgh the game or you will get stuck with level 40 pokemon at the e4

PyroFly X

I always grab a Nidoran(m) early off in the game... but that just may be because I like Nidoking...

PyroFly X

Still a good choice if ya give it decent moves.

PyroFly X

Heh, he's not a counter-everything kinda pogey. Sent in against electrics he can do a nice amount of damage. STAB'd earthquake isn't anything to laugh at either; put together with his speed and attack, most slower things tend to die.

Then again, he gets whailed on by psychics, but they're usually strong enough that anyone does.

Anyways! In your quest to build the perfect team, don't always discount a 'mon because of the first encounter, some of them evolve into stronger things later on.
(Magikarp anyone?)


i don't lose
squirtle is quite good.

dump mankey for something else. i recommend snorlax

pikachu is so-so. id go for something better. jolteon works nicely.

pidgey/spearow- one or the other. i prefer pidgey in-game since you'll want someone that can use fly, and spearow will get drill peck so two flying moves won't be necessary

dratini is a cool poke that you can get fairly early on from the game corner.

for later on, you can obtain larvitar from the seavault canyon, and heracross on one of the islands.

that would give you a final team of something like:
------ up to you here always nice to put one of your favorites. wouldn't add another flying type though. or another water. preferrably a ground/grass type. rhydon is awesome, learns earthquake, rock blast and megahorn naturally without any TMs so that's my last vote.


Powerplay Champion
looks good, but you're gonna wanna switch your mankey for a stronger fighting type (like hitmonlee) because he becomes pretty uselsss halfway through

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
yes i agree with Goldliop,
get hitmonlee or hitmonchan,
when you get to saffron obviously


When I chose squirtle I had a team of squirtle, rattata and pidgy. I trained these three the entire game. They were always 8-10 levels higher than the gym leaders best. I caught the legendary birds before the elite four and creamed them easily.


7th Shichibukai
You should not use one of your flying types.
Squirtle and Pikachu are good choices.
Mankey goods, but you might want to get another fighting type
Try to get a good fire/poison/ground pokemon and your team should be pretty well balanced. Keep training and have a blast.