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Kanga Games (002)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Kanga Games!

When Pikachu and friends go out for a nice winter stroll, they come across a Kangaskhan and her child. They get the kid Kangaskhan to play with them, but in doing so they end up in danger. Can they get out of it?

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This was a fun little short. I like how we got to see a baby Kangaskhan out of it's mother's pouch.

Prof. Destructo

Sea Ruby Trainer
This is my favorite short (i only seen the first 2). We got to see a baby Kangaskhan out of its mothers pouch and got to see Onix get some screen time.


Ub3r Trainer
Kanga Kanga

CyberCubed said:
This ep proved to me that Nintendo is insane for not making baby Kangaskhan it's own pokemon.
Ye! Baby Kanghaskan is pretty cute.

uber gon

Accept Change

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
I think the baby Kangaskhan was really cute, it was a nice introduction to the main Pokemon cast.


Funny short. the little kangaskan was cute...

and it was strange that Meowth appeared without Jessie and James.


Let's go to the beach, each.
Typical Christmas/Winter special. I loved the Pokemon's faces as the woke up to the light reflected on the snow; Squirtle's was the cutest haha. Pikachu did his usual job of entertaining Togepi with facial expressions but I thought the fact that he was a "snowman" was funny, pretty original. I liked that Meowth was featured, if only for a little while but the Baby Kanga was more important. I thought it went well with another small Pokemon like Togepi but then it's mother appeared and I was worried she'd be really mad. In the end it looks like Pikachu and Togepi got a free ride :)


No longer posting
This episode was ok... It was cool seeing the baby Kangaskhan out of its mother's pouch and hanging out with the other Pokemon. It's always funny when Pikachu makes cute facial expressions to entertain Togepi. The baby Kangaskhan is so cute! Squirtle looked like it had a ghost-like face when it was hit by a snowball.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
This short was pretty fun to watch. I liked it better than the cabin one. I really enjoyed watching the Pokemon play games in the snow. My favourite part was when Bulbasaur rode Squirtle like a sled, it was very funny! Also, the baby Kangaskan was *adorable*.