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What color is Karen's hair. It looks blonde it the sprite but every piece of fanart I have ever seen has given her gray hair. Is there any Sugimori art?
I would assume it's some form of blonde. For some reason, much of the yellow in G/S/C sprites is replaced with white (this is easily seen when fighting a Pokefan).
It's blonde. She's too young to have white hair. It's more of a...A bleached blonde, probably. Then again, though, Coronis has her with silver hair, and she looks better that was...Ionno...
It all depends on what verse you're taking her from. She's kinda like Lance; he's got blue hair, pink orange and red as official colours in certain games or verses. It's the same situation with Karen's dress too. That can be Red, black or purple.
In Stadium (Sugimori) it's blue. The blonde can be mistaken for white (or gray, in fanart). However, the bluish hair from Sugimori's art could contribute to that.