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KATHYxx's team


Linkin Park Trainer
ZAPDOS "Phoenix"
Double Team

Lapras "Bourdie"
confuse ray

Kangaskhan "Big Bad Brad"
Ice beam
dizzy punch
fly (couldn't resist)

Charizard "The Glue"
fire blast
double team

Mewtwo "Chazy Chaz"
double team

Gengar "Mr. Hahn"
confuse ray
mega drain

how is it? what could i change?
ZAPDOS "Phoenix"
Thunder Wave
Drill Peck

Toxic and double team are useless and this is especially in RBY. Double team is just annoying and tbh, zapdos has better things to do on its mind.

Lapras "Bourdie"
Body slam
confuse ray/sing

Kangaskhan "Big Bad Brad"
body slam
hyper beam

lol fly. Although it has a bad special, surf is there to 2HKO golem and rhydon.

Charizard "The Glue"
body slam
fire blast
swords dance

Mewtwo "Chazy Chaz"
Ice beam

amnesia is a must on mewtwo. An absolute must. With amnesia, it is an absolute powerhouse and nothing can stop it. Alternatively, you can always go for blizzard if you don't mind the minimal PP and accuracy.

Gengar "Mr. Hahn"
mega drain

Good. May want thunderbolt>mega drain but mega drain does own golem/rhydon switch ins.

how is it? what could i change?

You'll have a hard time switching into rhydon/golem rock/ground moves so you may want someone like eggy in there which provides a good resistance with good defense. It would also aid the need for another sleeper on your team, along with another psychic, and exploder all in one. Maybe get rid of zard for it.

Also of note, late game starmies/zapdos may tear you up easily. So make sure to keep mewtwo/gengar alive (again, this would be countered by having eggy on your team).

Overall I like the pokemon you have used though. Very nice.


Linkin Park Trainer
Thanks for the help :)

amnesia was a move I haden't really experimented with yet so i was unsure on how much it would help mewtwo. I was quite happy with my earlier mewtwo since with double team and recover it could last a very long time, rarely dying at all, while toxic wore the opponent down while i was powering up.

My charaizard was a sorta good pokemon... I think i will swap that out for chansey, since i do tend to favor long drawn out battles. Kangaskhan was there just in case i needed a not-drawn out pokemon.

I think rest is a good adittion to Zapdos. i think i'll change Zapdos too.

I'm hesitant to place so many electric attacks on my team. I like Gengar with mega drain, since an earthquake attack from a Rhydon could do him in, and i would like to take out the offending ground type before it does me.

Maybe i can swap the kangaskhan for a rhydon. i like them a lot.

You have good input. I like it a lot.
Thanks for the help :)

amnesia was a move I haden't really experimented with yet so i was unsure on how much it would help mewtwo. I was quite happy with my earlier mewtwo since with double team and recover it could last a very long time, rarely dying at all, while toxic wore the opponent down while i was powering up.

My charaizard was a sorta good pokemon... I think i will swap that out for chansey, since i do tend to favor long drawn out battles. Kangaskhan was there just in case i needed a not-drawn out pokemon.

I think rest is a good adittion to Zapdos. i think i'll change Zapdos too.

I'm hesitant to place so many electric attacks on my team. I like Gengar with mega drain, since an earthquake attack from a Rhydon could do him in, and i would like to take out the offending ground type before it does me.

Maybe i can swap the kangaskhan for a rhydon. i like them a lot.

You have good input. I like it a lot.

Well as I said, amnesia on mewtwo is the best move for it. With amnesia, it's the best pokemon in the game. Unbeatable.

Chansey would help you for some nice special support so you can use her if you want.

As for rhydon, rhydon is a really good pokemon. He has the strongest STABbed Earthquake in the game and he walls electrics like no other. I really like him as well, hence why he is on my team (and a must on every team, unless you have golem).

Thanks for the compliment.


New Member
You've got a good team but a few rubbish moves like double team and rest. Try zapdos with this move set, thunderbolt(for against weak waters) thunder(for against strong waters and flying) mimic (for against dragons) and drill peck(for against fighting, bugs and grass) but overall a good team.