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Kat's Newbish Arts


Sennen Goroshi! XD
*ahem* Hi, I'm Kat. This is my thread. Thus it is called Kat's. Enough of that. I am a seriously newbish artist. My porpotions are usually quite bad as areany clothes I draw. But I shall share some of my art. It will cover a large range of things, including Pokemon, backgrounds, doodles from class, pencil, art class junk, and proper colored stuff. Oh yes, theart. Only two things so far.


A random blind Riore(Lucario's Pre-evo, I believe) named Tybalt. It's pencil shaded but I'm rather proud of this, although I merely doodled it in English Class. The name comes from Tybalt Capulet, a character from Romeo and Juliet which we are reading in class, though I have no idea why I have namedhim that. And it looks MUCH better inmy sketch book,trust me.

A quickly colored version. I prefer the pencil one. Also bigger because it can be.

Criticism is very welcome and appreciated.

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
It's.... Adorable! =3 This is very good. Imo I don't see anything wrong with it.


Meowth Fanatic <3
Tybalt rocked that play~ He was the only character besides Mercutio I didn't hate.
The art's actually good for someone who considers herself a beginner. :3 But since you asked for critisism, here goes...

The eye should go a little bit up and a little to the left, and it would give more room for Riore's mouth. His right arm (the one further away from us) is kind of sticking out at an odd angle, and his right foot should be a little further down on the paper, closer to his left foot. As it is, he looks a little like he's on a skew plane, like he's not standing straight up. Does that make any sense? :p The legs also need a little more definition from the body- Riore's body is pretty skinny up near its arms and then flares out at the hips/legs.

The color's not bad at all- but you ought to color over the pencil shading. Also, if you use the smudge/blur options on your CG program, you might get a little smoother shading. :3

All in all, it's very nice. Take my nitpicking with a grain of salt, since most of the stuff I picked on is pretty minor.


Sennen Goroshi! XD
Thanks you for the comments. Yeah Tybalt is friggin awesome. Mercutio creeps me out a tad though. I'm not really a beginner, I have been drawing alot for about a year now, but I'm still no good. And trust me, you DON'T wanna see my early art.And thanks for the crit! I find good criticism better than just a "nice picture, I like it" because I know they're actually looking at it. Anyways, more art from the school sketchbook.


Solaris, my Latios/Ho-oh mix. Iknowit looks nothing like either of them and the porportions are rather bad but I had no reference for either. Not badthough.


Colored version, which, again, is worse than the pencil. I don't like super blurring my art, I'm more of a cellshader, but I did it to make it look more like a "Mirage Pokemon"

I have Luani, Solaris's counterpart, drawn but not ready to scan.


Sennen Goroshi! XD
Pardons for the double post XD Don't want this to die!


A girl from my random stories I think up. Digimon Savers girl. Yes,I know I really fail at humans but this is probably one of my better ones. She does have a digimon partner, I might show you later if I feel like drawing her. Crit please :3 (She needs a name too)
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These are real fears
The Riorupic is really cute, the only complaints I got about is the position of the eye and his right arm. The blade on his right arm shouldn't be seen in my opinion, it looks kind of awkward when it does. The eye is really nice though, as is the shading and colouring on the coloured version. ^^

Solaris (a wonderful name) has a nice lineart overall. It's pretty hard for me to see Ho-Oh in there (but not with the coloured one, that made it all clear ^^), but that might be because I'm not interested in Ho-Oh in the least. Her left arm should be more attached to the body, but other than that it's a really good pic. :3

As for the human pic... humans are a pain to draw. I'm not really good at humans, but I think that the legs could be longer. And the legs don't look like they've got any joints, because the knee has disappeared somewhere. And the left arm should be longer, in my opinion.
The shape of the head is much better than what I manage most of the time, and the wrinkles in the bandanathingy are a nie touch. :3

Keep practicing and keep it up. ^^


Sennen Goroshi! XD

Thanks for the crit XD My heads are what I'm best at, everything below just phails. So here's Azul, the very awesome Charmeleon. I know, bad eye placement again. I drew this late at night, sorry!
You should make the pupil of the eye a little darker, because pupils are always really dark and easy to see (USUALLY)


Bullet Punch
I'm not good at heads at all... My eyes are OK though. Anyways, these are nice pieces of art. The girls shoes are a bit misshaped though..



Sennen Goroshi! XD

Thank you for the crit! I think the eye is easy to seee, but I see where your coming from. Oh well. This is Ikuto from Digimon. Not so good. I tried using the same style the show draws him and didn't work so well. Oh well.


Jirachi Master
The shading is good, but his feet seem a little small for his body.