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Kauser's WBG and Fusions!


Kauser il più grande
As the name implies, I do White-Be-Gones and fusions/Mixes/Splices.


Fusion form:

Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:

WBG form:

Picture to WBG:

I only do three requests at a time! SO if i already have three requests when you request, YOU WILL BE IGNORED!

Give credit!

I get my sprites from PE2K.com!

NO LEGENDARY MIXES! I'M SICK OF N00BS SAYING 'OmFg gvie me a mxi!!!1!1! i wnat lati@s and regiec and cahrizrad!!!!!11!!1!1!11!'

Not that i'm calling everyone who requests legendaries n00bs, just i'm sick of legendary mixes.

Request away!


*looks around* A new thread...? *blinks* Did you do this to escape my last request? >:O =P
And gahhhhhhhhhh! I'd pm you to talk..but I forgot how... >.< *has grown quite dumb in the last few months* ^^' I'll have to figure it out again.. *can't believe he's this slow...*
And, um, if you never got around to doing the last one I asked for, how about that one? Or was it to bothersome to do?


Kauser il più grande
Umm... I can explain! I didn't do it!

Sorry, I made your mix, but i forgot to post it! BTW, to PM me, click on my name, (Kauser79) and then, from the drop-down menu, select 'Private Message this user' or something along those lines. What was your mix again? I'll upload it soon!

EDIT: Was this it?


If so, you're welcome!


Here it is WBG'ed!

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Can I work here? The last shop at worked at was closed because the owner couldn't sprite! (yes I was Floored!)


Kauser il più grande
Umm... Sorry, but I don't need any help. If i do need any, I'll ask my best friend ChildofInsanity or RevengeofPoseidon. Thanks anyways!

P.S. Floored!, from the Games forum? Remember me?


Oh, okay. Yeah I remember you, you always got the riddles right but never wanted to make your own! XD


XD You LIE!! You tried to run away so you wouldn't have to make it! =P
And boy do I feel slow... I mean ssssssssllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww.....*sighs*
Whoa! I didn't know how it was going to turn out, but this is awesome! I like it! Wow. ^^ Thanks! It kind of makes me think of Halloween though... X3 But it's awesome! ^^ Yayness! Wheee!! *dances...(some music starts to play and a pole comes out of nowhere)around the pole...* Dun dun dun dun dun..ba da dun...;x Kinkehhhhh! X3
Oooo! While I'm here, care to try another one?
Pokemon 1: Baltoy
Pokemon 2: Cacnea
Base: Baltoy
Wheeeeeee!! HMMM! We have some catching up to do! =D *leaves again for months...*


Kauser il più grande
To Floored!: Yeah, i only made one riddle. XD :p

To CoI:
What's the base? You didn't fill out the whole form.

BTW, happy Thanksgiving! If you celebrate it, that is... I do, and let me tell ya, stuffing-stuffed turkey has never tasted so good!

EDIT: Okay, thanks for filling the rest of it out!


Sorry, got a little freaked there. But please don't leave!

EDIT: HEre he is! XD

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o_O You had that thing pre-made!!! >.< That was too quick! You must do it again! AGAIN!!! =P He..she..it? Looks good. Depressed (XD), but good.
Turkey... Yeah. I was a vegeterian until Thanksgiving.. >.< But the turkey sure was good! And the rice..and the green beans...corn...bread...and the 30 million other things that we had! X3 Now I'm gaining all my weight backkkkkkkk!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! T_T Darn you turkey! *shakes fist* Ok, that was fun. *leaves ;x*


Kauser il più grande
No, i didn't! The people at my other thread said i was the best and fastest spriter they've ever seen, too... 0_o o_0

Oh yeah... The turkey... The stuffing... The Sweet Potato pie... the mashed potatos... The... The.. Bleeeeeeaaaarrgguh! *Barfs*

Too... Much... FOOD!...

BTW, look at my profile pic! I made that melody sprite! Well, mostly... I used another trainer for base, but the hair, skirt, bag and headband were custom!
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Oh yeahhhhhhhhh? Lets see how fast you can do a....*picks random numbers* A Xatu and Furret mix! Either way you want to do it. I was going to sprite today so I picked random numbers and that's what I got. Lets see what you can come up with! And I'm going to time you from the time I make this post! Mwahahahahaha! Unless there are any objections?


Kauser il più grande
Wait!Start at exactly... 9:45 pm! Or do you live somewhere else with a different time zone? If so, what is it?

Sorry, i'm a little busy... I'll make it later!
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*looks at the clock...* It's one in the morning here... Hm.
I'm still going to time you! ;x Mwahahahahaha!!!
Oh well. Just let me know when you get around to it. *goes off to make horrible, evil, freaky mixes in paint...*


Kauser il più grande
I'll make it, just they're kinda hard to mix... If you really want to help, go look at the Popsicle stand at the fan sprites forum...


THAT one was kinda hard... I timed myself, and i did it in five minutes and thirty-seven seconds.


Looks like a Christmas Furret, doesn't it?
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