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Kecleon Idea?


Timid Dragon
I'm wondering if this is a good idea to recruit Kecleon? Bring a One-room Orb, and a petrify orb, then when the swarm of kecleons attacks, change the floor into one big room, and petrify them all. Would love to hear your replies. Thanks.
I don't think so as more Kecleons will keep on comin after you've petrified the first ones.


Pokemon Dropout
After you beat a keckleon, some times a Keckleon boss attacks you. He's REALLLY STRONG.
Kecleon boss? What's a boss? o.o I've fought lots of Kecleon, but I don't think I've seen one that was more powerful than the rest.


Kyokudo <33
wtf?there is no kecleon boss!
anyway it could work but sad thing is the spawn like crazy,so its not a good idea,but if it works for you go ahead
There isn't, you liar. :/ (@Tibster)


Well-Known Member
But, that will kill Kecleons far away. They need to have fainted right next to you if you want them to be recruited. So its best to do a move that hist onle targets right next to you.


I'd use heat wave if you have Charizard. If there is one next to you he should join.


Team NightSpark
Thunderbolt would be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
There is no boss, but...Oh my God. A room full, and sometimes they have thief, which means they could take your precious held item and run off into the crowd.

Thats a disaster waiting to happen, don't do it!


Pokemon Dropout
serously, there is a swarm of keckleons and one of them in the toughest!
PS I stole fron a keckleon and fainted him @ level 40. then...I found the stairs


Onions? Where??
would be a lot of easier to get one join you if they just wouldn't be that powerful..


Well-Known Member
Tibster: Maybe the Kecleon are just stronger than you. I think they are around level 90.