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Kecleon Robbery, any side effects?


+-PrOuD PiNoY-+
i just robbed the kecleon shop in a dungeon and then he killed me and i turned off my game.After opening my game, it said that the quicksave file has been deleted so im out of the dungeon now but im wondering if it would havbe any side effects on my game (the robbery) like the 2 kecleons would not sell any good items to me because of the robbery.

thanks in advance;488;

anyway i was in mt.faraway


Well-Known Member
No. But your items you had with you are all gone because Mt. Faraway makes you Quicksave, and your money, and you don't even get the levels you got in the dungeon. You were better off just dying--You would at least have your levels, even if your items would have became Plain Seeds because of them anyway.


+-PrOuD PiNoY-+
Thanks alot!
Anyway, theres nothing to worry about cause i didnt bring any money and i only brought a huge apple with me because its only a rescue attempt a floor21 in mt faraway


pika: it's his fault
i've got a smart idea to rob kecleons shop (in a dungeon)
first get a seed that picks up every item on the floor (sry dont now the name)
then find a kecleon shop
and at last go to the stairs and use the seed and go up

or just take everything and use a escape orb(if you have one)


Kyokudo <33
its a trawl orb
and this is the process
have x-ray specs and see if there is a shop,find the stairs,use the trawl orb pick up the items then go to the next floor


<-- Solves any case!
I know something better, Get a team of level 100, and attack the kecleon army, you have a chance of recruting a kecleon and you'll get free items.


Kyokudo <33
yeah but make sure you have friend bow!!the y have a -33.9% recruitment,so with a friend bow you only have like a .1%chance


I wanted ketchup!!!
I stole and died in an instant


<-- Solves any case!
I stole once too, but I got subbed and made it to the stairs. I coudn't beleive how strong those kameleons were.


The Sexy Kitty Cat
They arent that powerful. I found another way to rob it.

Go onto the carpet
Grab all the stuff you want
Use escape orb WITHOUT stepping off the carpet (You cant use the orb if they caught you)
BAM! instant theft.

I have not tested this method. If someone tries it, would you please PM to tell me if it works or not.