Ken Sugimori Art Face-Off
third incarnation
third incarnation
Yes, the third incarnation. Can be abbreviated as "SAFO". The first was a success, and the second, under my rule, began to fail. I realized it was going nowhere, and needed to change the format, so I did.
Here, in the Ken Sugimori Art Face-Off, we will be facing off the Sugimori art of every Pokemon in Kanto, New vs. Old (1997 Red/Blue art vs. 2004 FireRed/LeafGreen art), to begin with, in order (Bulbasaur - Mew, and then the select Johto Pokémon). I will then see whether more New art wins, or more Old art wins. I can then make a judgment on which art SPPf likes better. After that round finishes, I will administer a round of the art for all of the Gym Leaders and trainers (I will use new/old Red, for example). The same result as the first will be yielded.
After that, I will administer a round of all Johto Pokémon, and you will judge which art looks better. The Pokémon faced off will be different, so you will have to judge which one looks better. (based on pose, coloring, etc...) The same will be done for Hoenn Pokémon and Shinou Pokémon.
Ken Sugimori Art Face-Off Rules:
1. The Face-Off rules posted at the top of the board.
2. Voting is once per hour.
3. The first art to reach 15 votes wins.
4. I will need no co-owners, and will approach YOU if I need any, so do not ask.
5. Always check the face-off glossary at the top of the board to find the definitions of all the face-off terms.
6. Do not double-post. If there is nobody posting after you, wait. I usually update the score as often as I can.
7. No e-voting. (check the glossary for the meaning)
8. Always be respectful.
9a. Patience. I am not a god. I update the round when I can. You will be warned if you spam.
9b. No overkill. Once a Pokémon has won, cease voting until the next matchup is set.
Whoppin' Weavile
New rules will be added as the face-off progresses, if necessary.
Current Round: 1997 Sugimori Art vs. 2004 Sugimori Art. (Series: 11-8)
Last 5 Winners:
2004 Beedrill
1997 Pidgey
2004 Pidgeotto
1997 Pidgeot
1997 Rattata

sprites@pe2k - hoennart@psypokes
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