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Kim Commando (sp) - A radio talk show... do you have it?


Meteor Trainer
I found a technology talk show on one of my AM (as opposed to FM, of course) radio stations. It's on at 10:00 PM eastern time. I don't know when it starts or when it ends, but I do know that it is currently on right now, and that it's 3 hours long. It's called something like Kim Commando or something like that. I can't make out the correct name from AM broadcasting.

It's national... in the US... it has to be... since I live in Florida and I've heard them read emails from people who live in Ohio. Check your AM radio for it - the lady knows what she's talking about.

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
I know we have it in Kentucky, it's on a station that my dad listens to all the time. I've listened to the show...about 3 times, twice on the way home from my grandmas, and once while my dad was in Lowes.

Oh...and I'm pretty sure it's called Kim Commando...so your right about the name.


yeah i have it in wisconsin so its definetly national its on this channel my dad lisens to for some talkshows and stuff so its probly all am news radio then


Meteor Trainer
Found the website. www.komando.com Browse and see if you've got it in your area. I do know that it doesn't have the station and time I listen to it on though...


Well-Known Member
Yes we have that show....she's helpful!