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Kinda ghetto

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Neji Hyuuga

Airceus + Groudon
Ok I understand that m0dded pokemon are not supposed to be talked about on the BOARDS, but it says nowhere in the general rules that you will get kicked out for offering m0ds! I believe that I was unfairly booted for a rule I wasn't aware of until after the fact.
Better check teh rules better Serebii is against cheating and hacking and glitches 4 some mysterious unknowm reason and everything that has something to do with it will get you kicked.

Saying thngs like "l am against cheats to get Arceus " Will proberly getting you kicked as well cause you may not hate or like cheating.

Watch out for Alf Waila wa Layla BTW he is back again and he can't be banned. He is no mortal. He will return and again and again!

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
Better check teh rules better Serebii is against cheating and hacking and glitches 4 some mysterious unknowm reason and everything that has something to do with it will get you kicked.

Saying thngs like "l am against cheats to get Arceus " Will proberly getting you kicked as well cause you may not hate or like cheating.

Watch out for Alf Waila wa Layla BTW he is back again and he can't be banned. He is no mortal. He will return and again and again!

The reason why is because its not legitimate. Glitchs (IMO I think Glitchs are ok), Hacking for Event items or wahtever is not real, so that means the Pokemon is not real. Do you want to work hard to get a Pokemon and trade for a fake Pokemon?

Neji Hyuuga

Airceus + Groudon
Haha sorry about the 4 topics. I have a cr@ppy computer and it kept trying to reload the page. Musta sent the info 4 times. And regardless of if Serebii doesn't LIKE h@cks, he should say it in the rules of the chatroom. It says nowhere you can't offer h@cks.
And just btw, I would've taken ANYTHING for the (Arceus, Shaymin, and Darkrai). They are extras and I don't need them. But whatev.
The reason why is because its not legitimate. Glitchs (IMO I think Glitchs are ok), Hacking for Event items or wahtever is not real, so that means the Pokemon is not real. Do you want to work hard to get a Pokemon and trade for a fake Pokemon?

When you hack the item to activate teh event the pokemon you catch with it will be EXACTLY teh same as if it were obtained by an event activated from a legit item.


Old Coot
You MUST be blind. We've been saying they're not allowed since day one. The Java chat even states not to trade for those specific three. You also must have missed the following thread, which is posted here AND IN THE CHAT'S TOPIC TITLE: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=245617

Mysticalman Luigi, a cheat is a cheat, regardless. NEITHER of the three are being offered yet in their respective areas. So getting one in such a manner still means that you cheated to get to it.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
Adding to what Chris said to Mysticalman Luigi, Not all event Pokemon are the same. Like there ID's and OT's are diffrent. Like Celebi, Mew, and Jirachi. So Nintendo can look at your Pokemon's OT/ID and see that you hacked for it.


Adding to what Chris said to Mysticalman Luigi, Not all event Pokemon are the same. Like there ID's and OT's are diffrent. Like Celebi, Mew, and Jirachi. So Nintendo can look at your Pokemon's OT/ID and see that you hacked for it.
A few months after IVs were discovered (known as DVs back then), codes were created that made Mews perfectly identical to the first first RBY event Mews, right down to the DVs and ID number.

If it's done right, hacking can get past any conceivable lockout feature.


The Sexy Nerd
Adding to what Chris said to Mysticalman Luigi, Not all event Pokemon are the same. Like there ID's and OT's are diffrent. Like Celebi, Mew, and Jirachi. So Nintendo can look at your Pokemon's OT/ID and see that you hacked for it.

There is also a Secret ID, which Nintendo can check. If a hacker screws that up on an event Pokemon, it most likely won't obey, or have some other strange side effect. And as Nintendo can check this (I don't know how), they can easily determine whether something is fake.
And as each trainer has a unique one (I think), if you hack a Pokemon with your same ID and OT, if the SID does not match, it will not obey. There are a lot of elements to hacking that most people don't understand. I have spent a lot of time studying game hacking on PC games and GBA games, and stil don't have a cheating device lol. But, yeah, I love hacking for educational purposes using emulators :)

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