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Kingdom Hearts 2: Magnet time!


People of the Kingdom Hearts 2 world, I have a question: Where can I find a magnet? I am currently in Atlantica ( Arial's world) and I need the magnet to pull the statue out of the sea. I've been searching and searching and still can't find it! If anyone is listening, please help. I just want to proove to my bro that I can beat the game.



the wicked witch
if you are ever looking for an upgrade of a spell i can tell where to look.
Fire- Defend the gate at Hollow Bastion.
Fira- Defeat Scar 1st visit.
Firaga- Defeat Genie Jafar 2nd visit.
Blizzard- obtain from Merlin 1st visit.
Blizzara- Defeat Demyx at Hollow Bastion.
Blizzaga- Complete Atlantica.
Thunder- Defeat The Hydra 1st visit.
Thundara- Defeat Storm Rider Heartless at The Land Of Dragons 2nd visit.
Thundaga- Defeat Groundshaker Heartless at The Pride Lands 2nd visit.
Cure- Complete Beast's Castle First Visit.
Cura- Reunite With Goofy at Hollow Bastion.
Curaga- Complete the 100 Acre Woods.
Magnet- Defeat Oogie Boogie 1st visit.
Magnera- Defeat 'Ghoul' Grim Reaper 2nd visit.
Magnega- Defeat Xigbar.
Reflect- Defeat Pete at Timless River.
Reflera- Defeat The MCP 2nd visit.
Reflega- Defeat Xaldin 2nd visit.

funny how the place where you get Thunder is the same place from the first game.


ok. i just sealed port royale and beat a giant heartless thingy in halloween town. soon, i shall face oogie boogie. any suggestions?


Ignore the normal enemies in the Oogie Boogie fight.


the wicked witch
on Oogie Boogie just focus on getting the presents in. let Goofy, Donald, and Jack handle the heartless. if your going to Agrabah next you have to be ready since your going to have a battle between two Heartless at once. if your going to The Pride Lands then prepare since the battleing is a little tricky at first and prepare for two boss battles that'll be a little tricky. the first is against the Hyenas but you have to protect Timon and Pumbaa like you protected Meg and Minnie. the second is Scar using lightning fast attacks and lightning/fire based attacks. after that go to Twilight Town to get your journel closer to completion for Twilight Town.