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Kingdom Hearts 2

lydia love slave

roxas lover
a discussion on kh2 the game it was recently brought out in england so america and japan should know everything

what do you think of the game ? to everyone

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Kingdom Hearts 2 is a game that I'd love to play, but I'm not too happy with some of the edits in the U.S. version because they remove content that was in the original movies. A few examples are the Hydra's green blood that spews out while fighting it being changed to black smoke, Barbossa's sword sticking out of Jack Sparrow's chest being removed, and William Turner not aiming his gun at his head when he threatens to commit suicide. Being a fan of Hercules and Pirates of the Caribbean, I would've been much happier if they had gone with a "T" rating instead of an "E-10", even if most of the worlds in the game are from G-rated Disney movies. =/

Another thing I don't like is that one of the summons is Chicken Little, the star of one of Disney's own non-Pixar godawful 3D movies.....and he's also the strongest summon. >8(

Still, I've heard the gameplay's good so I'll give it a try if I get a PS2. =)

lydia love slave

roxas lover
true i agree with tht but on other terms the forms the battles and the story and plot are immpressive tht could be another reason to get it but tht would make me sound like a merchant


Well-Known Member
well,mixed feelings on this one,although the game has had some dramatic improvements when compared to the first game,such as the gummi ship and the battles(and Kairi :D),I can say i enjoyed the previous one more.

Although I haven't finished the game yet.I have progressed a lot and I am extremely near to the world that never was,I can say that it is very fast,I can completely finish a single world within 1 hour while in KH1 i might aswell need a nice 3 hours.

The world disapointed me,I believe that the previous selection of worlds was far more better.I found PoC very poorly made plus the fact the the actual ''climate'' doesn't match with the rest of the game.

Atlantica.While it was completely remade into a beatiful place with an amazing improvent in the controls,it was ruined with the stupid musical and dance thing.

Coliseum:The idea of adding the underworld was great,yet again that doesn't mean that the actuall Coliseum should be turned into ruins and have the tournament in the underworld.

The previous game was one tough task for people like me who don't use guides,while this one,oh well...,and there's a lot more I can't recollect right now,oh well...


Well-Known Member
KHII is ok, nice too look at alot better to listen too, but unfortunately, realy, realy, realy short, I finished all worlds in 30hours while wasting time, great game, but massively overhyped.


The game was decent. I would have loved it had:

-The game not been so short
-The game not been so easy
-The game had not been dumbed down battle-wise
yeah. Just doing Halloween town for the second time. Agree with points two and three of previous posts.

However(and I have a really stupid question coming up), how do you activate summons? I have the items, but I just can't find a command for them. All my buttons except for R2 work fine, is this the missing link, or is my PS2 losing it?


Well-Known Member
since this is KH2 thread,may I ask for advice?How on earth am I supposed to beat Xaldin and Hollow Bastion?I am level 27 and have completed everything but HB 100AW and Atlantice