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Kingdom Hearts 2

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mia san mia
This Thread is for people to supply others with information on Kingdom Hearts 2. Anything about Kingdom Hearts 2 may be discussed. The world, characters, theories, etc. Any questions may be Posted here, too. The official Websites shall be Posted here as well. As for the release, Kingdom Hearts 2 has been released.

Official Square-Enix Japanese Kingdom Hearts 2 Website:

Official Square-Enix American Kingdom Hearts 2 Website:

Other Websites:

First Topic:
Have you reserved Kingdom Hearts 2 yet? What do you expect to see within the game? What is your opinion on the latest news on Kingdom Hearts 2?

Current and Old SPPf Kingdom Hearts 2 Discussions:
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=76652 (Closed)

Final Fantasy Characters confirmed to appear in Kingdom Hearts 2:
Setzer Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI
Aeris/Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII
Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
Fujin (Fuu) & Raijin (Rai) from Final Fantasy VIII
Seifer Almasy from Final Fantasy VIII
Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII
Squall Leonheart (Leon) from Final Fantasy VIII
Vivi Orunitia from Final Fantasy IX
Auron from Final Fantasy X
Rikku from Final Fantasy X/X-2
Yuna from Final Fantasy X/X-2
Paine from Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy characters that have not been confirmed to appear in Kingdom Hearts 2 but appeared in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories are:
Tidus from Final Fantasy X
Wakka from Final Fantasy X

Disney Summons for Kingdom Hearts 2:
Genie from Aladdin
Chicken Little from Chicken Little
Peter Pan from Peter Pan
Stitch from Lelo & Stitch

Main Disney Characters to appear in Kingdom Hearts 2:
Mickey Mouse as King Mickey
Minnie Mouse as Queen Minnie
Donald Duck as Donald
Goofy as Goofy
Pete as Pete
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Iblis Wings
Ahh Kingdom Hearts. Another great series I go crazy over. Yep I'm waiting for this game as well. They fixed so much and improved so much! I can't wait as well for the game.


Iblis Wings
Nope. I'll just probably walk into a store and simply purchase the game. Here's a questuion for you.

Which form you like the most so far?

I think I'll like Valor form. Fighting is kinda good with me in the game.


Rising Trainer
I like Master Form. I was hoping, no dreaming, of Stitch being in the game, and now, he's a summon. I was also hoping for Chicken Little to be a summon, and my wish is looking better. There's a rumor about that summon. And Yuna and Rikku are summons, maybe, but they are in the game.


Rising Trainer
I'm surprised there are so many Final Fantasy characters in this game.
Rikku, Yuna, AND Paine are confirmed summons as well as Chicken Little.
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The Battousai

I'm probably buying KHII with my PS3 next year. I loved kingdom hearts it was my most memorable gaming experience. It was a free-play rpg (not turn based, I prefer free-play but I do love pokemon and final fantasy which are turn-based), Sora was a great main character, the bosses had a decent difficulty level (played on normal), and disney character's I loved as a young child added humor to the game. BTW Chicken Little summon is confirmed already, I just hope there are summons from the Chronicles of Narnia, that would fit the game's theme well.


Iblis Wings
That be Wise form which is good with magic my friend. For the one confused with it being blue .


The Enigmatic One
Ah, I've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts II for quite awhile now. It's been over three years since the original came out. There's a rumor that the game is coming out in March, and with that "Spring 2006" release date that's on the North America KH II site that was unveiled yesterday, it might be true.:) Here's hoping it is; I want to be playing this game before or during Spring Break.:p

Poke Freak

From what I've seen this game will be completly awesome. I love the fact that Pete will be in it, and from the looks of it a major villian, and the black and white world looks completly awesome.

As far as drive goes from the info we've got I say the Valor form, besides the fact that you get a nice strength and speed boost in this form, Goofy recieving the damage is a plus seeing as how in the last game he had a lot of HP, plus you get two keyblades. Yah, I know you get two keyblades for the master form, but meh, lossing two partners and staying in it for less time does not appeal to me at all, plus it's only up is more strength. Also if magic is like it was in the first KH, really the only really useful spell are the cure spells, which Donald will be able to handle. So go valor form!
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The Enigmatic One
Ohtachi said:
I don't believe it to be so much of a rumor. It's scheduled to be released March 2006.

Yeah, you got a point there, Ohtachi;p, considering that Yochi Wada said that the game would be ready by March, but then again Square Enix is known for delays.-_- Just look at Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children for example; that movie's US release date has been delayed for quite a while now...Here's hoping Square Enix really does get the English voiceovers and translations done by March.:p
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Poke Freak

CoolTrainerTerry said:
That's the Steamboat Willie world Timeless River.

I knew that, I just felt like calling it the black and white world. But if it makes people like happy I'll call it the Steamboat Willie world.


Iblis Wings
Pirates of The Carribean will also be awosome. I loved that since that was one of the better new disney films and I'm sure they can pull the world off despite it being the most different compared to the rest.

zonic the hedgehog

I've been amped for this game as well.
Best part is that Stitch will be in the game! (my favorite Disney character ^_^)

I'm mostly excited to see how the "Lion King" level will turn out. Sora looks interesting as a lion. BTW, I'm guessing this is taking place in the second movie? I'm not sure, but some of the characters look like they're from the second film.

The Steamboat Willie level is also awesome, but Sora's eyes creep me out a bit... o_O
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