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kings rock.


Well-Known Member
Theft? You mean...Thief?
now i found it, and i also found out i need a dragon scale. it's for my horsea i want a seadra; is there a easy way to get dragon scale?


oblivion weilder
the nly way to get it i think is from wild horseas and bagons though i have never got one off them


Well-Known Member
For a dragon scale:
Use covet or theif on a horsea or a bagon. But it is rare to find a dragon scale on them so it might take a while...


Completing The Trio
dragon scales are for getting kingdras not seadras
Yeah, a kid somewhere near Steven's house, just talk to him and you should get it


The new tuxedo look!
Try to catch bagons to get the dragon scale. I just got an adamant one and already have 20 cloned dragon scales.


Is that flying pie?
..............here are the ways to find the pokemon:
go to pacifidlog town and go into the ocean current. use a super rod(u can get it at mossdeep in a house)
keep using it til u get a horsea. use covet, thief, or trick or something.

bagon: u have to become the champion first. go to meteor falls and use waterfall up the falls.
one you reach the entrance, go through it. then,go through the holes, to get to the other side. beat trainer nicholas and head down the slope. but right when u see the left slop, go down it and through th next hole. now, use a pokemon with surf and surf til u see an entrance on land. go through it, (u can also get the tm dragon claw) and u might run into wild bagons. keep using covet, thief, or trick on the bagons(note: if ur using trick, make sure the pokemon using it doesn't already have an item attached, especially a rare one.)

or,u could do the same thing i did and use a gameshark to get an infinate amount.

p.s........i couldn't help but to notice the gaara thing in ur sig.........
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