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king's rock


in most of the games there is a king rock but in my gold the guy said that if you attach it to slowpoke a shelder migth bite


^^Pure Genius

in most of the games there is a king rock but in my gold the guy said that if you attach it to slowpoke a shelder migth bite

You have to trade a Slowpoke with Kings ROck attached for it to evolve..

Silver Mew

Mew Master
Umm...He did not say that. Are you sure you weren't imagining it? You gotta trade it to evolve.


The guy who said that is the one in Slowpoke Well who gives you a King's Rock. It's as true as any of the Pokedex data -- meaning that technically it does that in the Pokemon universe, but it's impossible to do in-game.


The guy who said that is the one in Slowpoke Well who gives you a King's Rock. It's as true as any of the Pokedex data -- meaning that technically it does that in the Pokemon universe, but it's impossible to do in-game.
ok i will remember that