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kirbymews new fakemon/fakedex thingie thread!

Rate my fakies! 1 being lowest, 5 highest.

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mostly lurking
kirbymew is now TempusDominus. Will be for five months, get used to it.

Let the thread die, do not post, this is now for veiwing purposes only.

I will start a new thread, with proper order, when all of my sprites are redone to my satisfaction. This might take a while, so don't expect to see me on serebii in the near future. I have taken up residence at C Spriting, the picture links there.


Name: Ryutoru
Little Dragon pokemon
Type 1: dragon
Type 2: psychic
Dex info: Ryutoru may look small and defenceless, but if threatened, they can unleash enough power to destroy mountains. Ryutoru can often be found hiding in Furret’s or Linoone’s holes.
Credits: Jupitol, Legendary_Plushbear.


Name: Rynesis
Savage pokemon
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Psychic
Dex info: For being a psychic type, Rynesis isn't very intelligent. It acts like a starving predator even after eating. When Rynesis gather, they use their minds to hunt for prey.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear.


Name: Ryclops
Otherworld pokemon
Type 1: Psychic
Type 2: Dragon
Dex Info: Ryclops are mystical Pokemon from another dimension. they are often found reading other's minds with their third eye. Though Ryclops seem to have three eyes, only the floating one works.
Credits: Legendary_PlushBear, Dawnstar.


Name: Lumisity
Sea Snake pokemon
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Light
Dex info: Lumisity live at the sea bottom, and its natural shine isn't a voluntary action; its scales are always glowing like the gold
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear.


Name: Lumego
Lyndwyrm pokemon
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Light
Dex info: Lumego's body isn't as soft as it looks, in fact, it's a bad idea even touch it unless protected with rubber, as their skin constantly channels pulses of energy.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear.


Name: Flairfant
Elephant pokemon
Type: Fire
Dex info: Flairfant look slow but if endangered their feet can carry them up to 35 mph. This hairy Pokémon is an ever-welcomed partner, as its hair is always at nice temperatures
Credits: Predator, Legendary_Plushbear.


Name: Pachiflame
Mammoth pokemon
Type: Fire
Dex info: Pachiflame has a habit of charging down anything that threatens its trainer. To drive away enemies it will wave its Trunk and tusks. If the opponent does not back down, it will blind them with smoke and fire.
Credits: LannyZ4444, Jupitol


Name: Trunkferno
Fire Mammoth pokemon
Type 1: Fire
Type 2: Ground
Dex info: This enormous Pokémon is known for being able of lifting a Golem with only its tusks. It's stronger at physical attacks than elemental, due to it's massive bulk.
Credits: LannyZ4444, Castiboy (shiny version), Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Morteon
Unlucky pokemon
Type: Ghost
Dex info: They all say it is bad luck if a Morteon crosses your path. At night, their haunting calls ring around abandoned buildings.
Credits: Mighty_Hyena


Name: kappadile
Wave pokemon
Type: Water
Dex info: Kappadile is known for creating 6 feet waves by punching the sea surface. Because of this, myths said that it was a sea monster that created Tsunamis.
Credits: Legendary_plushbear


Name: Eqlade
Bladed pokemon
Type: Steel
Dex info: This Pokemon’s blade-like horn is often compared to crescent moon. It's used in combo with back and tail blades to perform multiple types of attacks.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear
(note: this was something I used for April fools day. you may have seen it before)


Name: Quetzing
Feathersnake okemon
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Flying
Dex info: Quetzing wraps its foe at the same time it performs a beautiful melody to distract it. The way it makes that sound is actually a mystery, as in captivity they only hiss.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear, Jupitol


Name: Acroatl
Snakebird pokemon
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Flying
Dex info: According to legends, a serpent-like bird came from the clear skies to heal injured souls. People think that Acroatl is that Pokémon, though it doesn't know any healing moves.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear, Jupitol


Name: Moltenine
Burning pokemon
Type: Fire
Dex info: Moltenine live deep in volcanoes, and when angry, can cause eruptions. Because they live in volcanoes, their existence was concealed for many years, until an explorer found one. They are said to only come up from volcanoes when the one they have been living in dies. They are able to surf over lava, like a Water Pokémon in the sea.
Credits: Jupitol, Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Ophided
Phantom pokemon
Type 1: Ghost
Dex info: Ophided live deep underground, but don't need to dig holes, because they aren't solid beings. When they emerge to the surface, they pass through other Pokémon holes without their inhabitants even noticing.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Lizunk
Underground pokemon
Type 1: Steel
Type 2: Fire
Dex info: A hard to find burning pokemon, Lizunk live in volcanoes or deep in rock fissures that are always unleashing hot sulphuric gas, which Lizunk are better adapted to breathing.
Credit: Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Reptetal
Core pokemon
Type 1: Steel
Type 2: Fire
Dex info: Reptetal can be found close to the center of the Earth withstanding and creating heats unimaginable, so it is often called the core pokemon. With Reptetal's armor, it can resist all fire attacks.
Credits: Legendary_plushbear, Funkmasterwikiwoowoo


Name: Replite
Shining Dragon pokemon
Type 1: Normal
Type 2: Flying
Dex info: Replite has a unique ability among non-elemental pokemon. It's able to absorb either fire or electric attacks. It seems that this Pokémon absorbs light energy to make its scales brighter than they are already.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Culago
Cybernetic pokemon
Type 1: steel
Type 2: electric
Dex info: It plugs itself to an electric source and feeds from it. Culago was planned to be a lab assistant when it was created, but Pokémon DNA converted it into a machanoid Pokémon.
Credits: Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Geonip
Baby Dinosaur pokemon
Type: Grass
Dex info: Geonip are very hyper pokemon who love to play, but if endangered they run behind larger members of their pack. they are very fast and love to catch and eat smaller pokemon
Credits: Predator

Wow. This is one of the best sprites i have ever made. Shield your eyes, folks!

Name: Geotor
Raptor pokemon
Type 1: Grass
Type 2: Ground
Dex info: Geotor are fast predators, and will eat most things they can catch. They often work in family packs to catch larger prey. They lose their crests during mating season due to fights with other males.
Credits: Predator (thanks, predator, it came out awesome!)


Name: Treerex
Carniverous pokemon
Type 1: Grass
Type 2: Ground
Dex info: very powerful and fierce pokemon, that fight over territory with trunkferno and other large pokemon. The patterns on their bodies act as a disguise as they hunt.
Credits: Predator


Name: Beavreak
Beaver pokemon
Type: Normal
Dex info: (your suggestions!)
Credits: Castiboy, Legendary_Plushbear


Name: Pikablu
Fabled pokemon
Type 1: Water
Type 2: Electric
Dex info: Pikablu is a Pokemon that was written in mythology for centuries but no one had ever seen one. It is said to be related to both Marill and Pikachu.


Name: Crocossil
Ancient pokemon
Type 1: Water
Type 2: Rock
Dex info: Crocossil preyed on things far larger than itself. It is thought that they evolved to attack foes with their hard tails to prevent them from running. They have strong jaws that they use to crush their preys bones.
Credits: Castiboy (sorry!), Jupitol


Name: Sealuga
Kelp pokemon
Type: Water
Type 2: Grass
Dex info: This endangered pokemon is poached for the fine seaweed on its body. It is most commonly seen in warm, tropical waters.
Credits: Ben-shinylover


Name: Hydrodae
Duck pokemon
Type: Water
Dex info: Hunted for their lovely feathers these pokemon don’t stay in one place too long and travel in flocks. Oddly enough, due to liking hot springs found near volcanoes, these pokemon live in peace with most fire types.
Credits: Predator


Name: Buzzeon
Insect pokemon
Type: Bug
Dex info: This form of eevee is very rare. The trainer who had the eevee at the time saw it last running away from Beedrill after eating their delicious honey. Buzzeon is known for it's wonderful ability to create light by flapping its wings.
Credits: Bleeding_Faith, Ben-Shineylover


This sprite is deciding whether I need a break from spriting or not. Not evo of above sprite!
Name: Flyrm
Dragonfly pokemon
Type 1: Bug
Type 2: Dragon
Dex info: Flyrms and Flygons share territories in peace, and even lay their eggs in the same areas. If the two species mix up their eggs, they will raise the young as their own.
Credits: Suicunelover24


Name: Wallaru
Boxing pokemon
Type: Fighting
Dex info: This playful pokemon, does not joke, when in serious pressure, its powerful punches and kicks can smash boulders and tree trunks.
So wouldnt want to make this pokemon angry...


Name: Mambo
Strange fish pokemon
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)
Credits: closetman341


Name: (your suggestions!)
Seadog pokemon (aaar, matey)
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)


Name: (your suggestions!)
Hard Skulled pokemon
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)


Name: Eispear
Porkupine pokemon
Type: Ice
Dex info: Scientists say that Eispear is probably related to most small ice pokemon. Over the years Eispear in general became less freindly and more likely to attack people and other pokemon, but people are still trying to work out why.
Credits: Legendery_Colecter

Aint it cute?

Colour Change pokemon
Type: Normal
Dex: Genbow unique scales are able of changing colors according to its mood. When it sheds the skin, the scales lose inmediately their bright colors, turning into a dull grey.
Credits: Legendary_PlushBear


Name: (your suggestions!)
Treetop pokemon
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)


Name: (your suggestions!)
Big Antler pokemon
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)


Name: (your suggestions!)
Three Tailed pokemon
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)


Name: (your suggestions!)
Masked pokemon
Type: (your suggestions!)
Dex info: (your suggestions!)

Ok, finally happy with this one.

I will wait for its... uhh... idea bearer... to do the dex and stuff if they want to.


Name: Golaro
Cannon pokemon
Type 1: Fighting
Type2: Flying
Golaro can simply fly with out wings. With the strong power of his high jumping can make him fly by simply launching into the air. Golaro is plated with rare gold and silver. Few have ever seen Golaro, but reports say he is a very fierce legendary.
Pokemon Idea by TB-GAMER

Ok, this picture is my state of mind. Right click and act like you are going to save it, then see what it is called. You are reading the words of a manic whovian. Just about everything will be titled like that from now on.

Name: Aubis
Dragon Hound pokemon
Type 1: Flying
Type 2: Dragon
Dex info: Aubis are rarely seen, only spotted as their scales glow like gold. At twilight they twist round the fading glow of the sun reflecting its light on their skin.


Name: Mascot
Internet pokemon
Type: Normal. If Mascot could be called normal.
Dex info: Mascot never removes his scarf, even in the hottest weather. He loves rice and will often stop at nothing at getting some. Mascot is most often seen running round http://www.geocities.com/antisocialwolf.
Credits: AntisocialWolf


Name: Floama
Pink pokemon
Type: Normal
Dex info: Floama are popular with youg children as they will tolerate almost anything. When happy, they make a purring noise and sweet smelling bubbles come from their tail.


Name: Asthound (haha, geddit? astound?)
Asteroid pokemon
Type 1: Fire
Type 2: Flying
Dex info: Asthound are, on the ground, quadrupeds, but as they fly the flames of their tail seem to consume most of their body. At night they are often mistaken for comets.

There! Thats a normus number of fakes! Wow, legendary_plushbear, your getting lots of credits. Ok, more soon. Please let me know any miscrediting or mistakes or anything, and let me know any ideas or criticism or anything.
Bye now!
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Name: Dranetic (dragon/telekenetic)
Type 1: Psychic
Type 2: Dragon
Dex info: Dranetic is a mystical Pokemon from another dimension. He is often found reading other's minds with his all-seeing eye.

Sound good enough for you? Lol


Name: Ryclops (jap. dragon+cyclops)
Type: Ghost/Dragon
Dex Info: Ryclops is known by ancient civilizations as the All-Seeing Pokémon. Though it seems to have three eyes, only the floating one works.
Hope it was what you needed.


mostly lurking
hmm, i like! i might use the first name for the second stage one, as i like ryclops for this one, clever and catchy. well, working on the first two now, but will probably have the first stage up next. (goes to edit data)
ok, first stage now up, info updated!


Hybrid pokemon! ^`_^
Name: Ryutoru (Jap: Dragon/little)
Type: dragon/psychic
Dex info: Doratoru may look small and defenceless, but if threatened, it can unleash enough power to destroy a mountain. It was once known as the bringer of earthquakes.
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Name: Slipryu (slippery + jap. dragon)
Type: Same as evo
Dex: An uncommon, very clever and friendly Pokémon, Slipryu can often be found hiding in Furret's or Linoone's holes.


mostly lurking
well, the first and second are now up, along with two more dragon things, and now i am working on some starters. i will decide on the info later.


For the last one
Flairfent (Flaire+elephent (tweak it)
Dex: Flairfents look slow but if endangered their little feet can carry them 35 mph.


Hybrid pokemon! ^`_^
Name: Himosu (Jap: fire/mammoth
Type: Fire (/ground)
Dex info:


For the Ryclops second-stage:
Rynesis (jap. dragon+ telekinesis)
Dex: For being a psychic type, Rynesis isn't very intelligent. It acts like a starving predator even after eating.

For the little Dratini-like:
Lumie (var. of luminosity)
Lumie lives at the sea bottom, and its natural shine isn't a voluntary action; its scales are always glowing like the gold.

Its evo:
Lumego (luminosity + drago)
Lumego's body isn't as soft as it looks, in fact, it's a bad idea even touch it unless protected.

The fire elephant:
Pyrium (Pyro + megatherium, an extinct species of elephant)
This hairy Pokémon is an ever-welcomed partner, as its hair is always at nice temperatures.


mostly lurking
hmm, very good! *goes to edit post*
oh, i have now finished the second fire elephant! a gazillion prizes to anyone who can tell me everything it is made of. sorry it took so long, my compy crashed on me last night just as i finished the head. its a big edit that took ages.

Another Fan

Nothing Special
Can you make do a request? I feel kind of selfish doing this but can you? I was trying to fid someone who can make "fakemon" or whatever of this idea and still make it seem like the pokemon sprites in the game and you seem to acompilish that well. The pokemon descipsion is on this page: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showth...3&page=20&pp=20

If you can do it it would be nice. Sorry for bothering.


mostly lurking
uhh, i would be happy to do requests, but that just links to the main forums page... anyways, i got another sprite to put up. so, fix the link, or paste the info here. many thanks! anyway, i present very pleasedly, morteon! yeah, i gave it a name. boo yah to me.

Another Fan

Nothing Special
Man, do I feel stupid. Well, here is the description that I copied from a different page:

I made this Conifer pokemon. I know there is Shiftry as a tree but now we have a Pine Tree.

Name: Contremor or Pinetremor (Conifer+Tremor and Pine Tree + Tremor)
Gender Ratio: 50 50
Classification: Root Pokemon
Type 1: Grass
Type 2: Ground
No Evolution.
Appearence and Decription: It is basically the calm, giant of the forest. I would imagin this as its pokedex description: Contremor is a calm pokemon sitting in one spot. However if you disturb it it will use it's massive roots to shake the ground beneath you.
It could be a road block but I would prefer it to be just like a normal tree (there are a lot of pine trees in Pokemon games) unless you do something like maybe water it or just press a button in front of it.

This is how it looks, it may sound stupid but maybe you are not imagining it right. Lets go top to bottom. The body is a made of three parts. The first part is a triangle like a pine tree and it is all bushy and stuff. It has eyebrow on it making it seem tough yet calm. They are basically the extension of the triangle like the branches. The "eyes" are pine cones like yellowish brown pine cones. On them are eyes that are ovals witha dark blavk pupal. Around it is a foggish darkness thing, you know... Like so it does no look just like the eyes are laying on the pinecone. Then is another triangle that the first one overlaps. Then from under that triangle is a wooden pole kinda thin butt not too long that goes to a stump like thing. When it goes down it like does a 90 degree turn and becomes the stump thing like a L. The stump has the tree's feature massive roots which it uses to shake the ground violently.

I think it would learn like barrage, pin missile, earthquake and a move that uses roots. Roots are not too similar to grass so I think they best fit as a ground type move.

So what do you think of it? I might make a picture but I don't know how.... Sprites, drawings, dunno...


mostly lurking
well, i will try. tell me if anything is wrong when i do it. does it have arms or a mouth or anything? you didnt say.


mostly lurking
no, its fine, i was just asking. it may be done tomorrow, but if my homework doesnt take long, then tonight.


mostly lurking
well, i got no homework, so it will be done faster. do you think you could make a black and white paint thing to show me, so i dont make completely the wrong thing?


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
wow! i really like your sprites, would you like to add them to our dex on the ilex clan lava base? that would be extremly appreciated, just contact celebi94, the creator, i'm sure your pokes will be in!
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