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Kitty cat dance Ed.

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Haunt of the Vile

Well-Known Member
It has been a.. while since I posted into Art Forum =D. I have a helluva lots of drawings that I would want to show but I don't have a scanner. Sad. My friend, luckily, has, so I've scanned few pictures via her scanner. I decided to show you picture of chibi Al and Ed. And I wrote that word 'cat' wrong with a purpose xD.

~You can view it here.

I know that Al's arms looks weird, but I don't give a **** xD.

If you want to see the legengary Kitty Cat Dance,
go here.
But be warned, it's hysteric.

Comments plz ^_~



That pretty funny and cute. The cat clip is really weird though.

Haunt of the Vile

Well-Known Member
It's weird but it's so goddamn funny. Thanks for the comments. This is so ironic. The thread has over 80 views and just 2 comments...


Chaotic Dreamer
I remember you. *Runs up and hugs*
That pics so funny XD The look on Eds face is just too cute and the arms on Al look okay to meh. ^^


Haunt of the Vile

Well-Known Member
Shadow_Fox said:
I remember you. *Runs up and hugs*
That pics so funny XD The look on Eds face is just too cute and the arms on Al look okay to meh. ^^

OMG, thank you #o_O#!

Haunt of the Vile

Well-Known Member
Sailor Universe said:
It's a really funny picture, I like it lots.
And the clip is wonderful XD I've not laughed this much on a long time.
Thanks ^^. Yes, it's so goddamn hilarious. It amuses me every time I watch it xD.

Haunt of the Vile

Well-Known Member
Exel 4.0 said:
Yeah, I've seen the cat clip before. It's a classic. But, for the drawing, you'll get my max points on pencil sketches.

rating: ♠ ♠ ♠ ♣
Nice... Does those symbols mean 3 out of 4?
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