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Knock off/Thief/Trick question, and Hold Items in D/P.


In a trainer battle, do moves which affect the opponents held item, such as Trick, continue to have their effects even if pokemon switch? For example:

Abra has no hold item. Snorlax has leftovers.
Abra uses Trick, stealing Snorlax's leftovers.
Abra and Snorlax both switch out.
Abra and Snorlax both switch back in.

Does Abra still have the leftovers?

The matter was brought to my attention when I was browsing the D/P items list ( http://serebii.net/diamondpearl/items.shtml ) and noticed how many hold items with negative effects to the holder have been brought in, which should add a fascinating new layer of strategy.

For example, if you can Trick a Flame Orb over to a physical sweeper, receiving his (likely beneficial) item in exchange, you might gain a significant advantage.
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shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
The negative item thing.. Interesting!


Well-Known Member
do you keep the item you stole afterwards? I don't use these moves and when I have they've not worked

probs cause the opponent has no items usually ...