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Knock Out Face Off

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Helloween Rocks!
ok ill explain how this work the first face off ill make will be between two pokemon, the winner of that face off will face another pokemon and .... u understand me.

Jibacoil ;462;
Electro Levitate
Metal Sound
Mirror Shot


Kaburaisu ;445;
Dragon Claw
Brick Break

the first to get 5 votes wins!
No Mange-lution can withstand an Earthquake attack, but how do we know the Kaburaisu does not have really low attack and the Jibacoil does not have really high defense? =P
Jibacoil, I guess...


ooo, what's cooking?
yo agentm did u get my invit, any way, i vote the dragon guy, flamethrower against a steel type, what were u thinking man, too ez!
Can I vote again? If so, then Jibacoil again...and I may have to Staryu this, as well, but we shall wait a bit...

^+^^by the way, unless Jibacoil uses Electrolevitate, Earthquake is usually a better option...


herd u liek mudkips?
Jibacoil. 10 characters.


Is Back Finally!
k i still dont get this faceoff... heal Kaburaisu hurt magnaton evo... i think the battle might be over???
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