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Kyorge Islands 2


Tastes like chicken!
The mixs is good but you need to scratch bits as well because the wing on the left is too big

Trainer card: save as png and it will look fine

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Rayquaza, please don't just say: "Its bad" give constructive criticism.

The Mix's base doesn't look right with the large arms you've placed on it, these make it out of proportion, so therefore I suggest you scratch some parts it makes them fit better.

The Trainer card is good, but not saved under PNG so the quality of the image is bad. I suggest whiting out the boxes so you can see more of the background.

The battle scenes are good.

The scenery page needs improving, usually in the Pokemon games there are paths leading away from the houses, and have people/pokemon on the scene.

Not bad though :)